(1) Yu Hua, In China, the Grievances Keep Coming; Petitioners bring complaints in spite of official retaliation. New York Times, Jan 2, 2011 (op-ed).
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/0 ... 1&scp=1&sq="Yu hua"&st=cse
My comment; Read only the last part, starting with the paragraph that contains "Wukan."
(2) Andrew Jacobs, China Set to Punish Another Human Rights Activist; The charge against Ni Yulan include 'picking quarrels.' New york Times, Feb 3, 2011 9op-ed).
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/0 ... scp=1&sq=Andrew Jacobs yulan&st=cse
(3) Edward Wong, China TV Grows Racy, and Gets a Chaperon; Citing 'vulgar tendencies,' censors rein in entertainment. New York Times, Jan 1, 2011.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/0 ... renchant&st=cse
(a) sassy (adj; alteration of saucy): "IMPERTINENT"
(b) trenchant (adj):
2: vigorously effective and articulate <a trenchant analysis>; also : CAUSTIC <trenchant remarks>
3a : sharply perceptive : PENETRATING <a trenchant view of current conditions>"
(4) Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred; Selected Essays and Poems. Harvard University Press, 2011
(a Wall Street Journal Book of the Year, 2011)
WSJ just published a book review Dec 29, 2011 which (the review) I consisder boring.