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TVs at CES

发表于 1-12-2012 15:58:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) David Pogue, Sampling the Future of Gadgetry. New York Times, Jan 12, 2012
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/1 ... &ref=davidpogue
("LG and Samsung displayed prototype 55-inch OLED screens that were so thin, you could shave with them. (OLED is a breathtakingly clear, crisp, colorful, expensive kind of screen — and the largest one until now has been an 11-inch model from Sony.)")

Note: The O in OLED represents "organic."

(2) Andrew Martin, The TVs That Ate Vegas. New York Times, Jan 12, 2012
http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes. ... as/?scp=1&sq=TV ate vegas&st=cse
("Samsung executives say the only thing limiting TVs is the size of walls")

My comment: In the print today, this is the second of the three miniature reports under the over-arching title of
"At CES, Living Up to Apple's Standards."

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