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Piling on Bo Xilai

发表于 2-13-2012 11:42:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
pile on: "informal   intensify or exaggerate something for effect <you can pile on the guilt but my heart has turned to stone>"
Oxford Dictionaries, undated.

(1) So far this morning, I gave no access to a computer with Chinese language software. I was told at the dawn today that Netease.com, Inc--a websited based in China--put two things side by side: The arrest of General Gu and Mr Bo Xilai's wife is also surnamed Gu.

I find the follwoing two in the Web (not from Netease), but can not discern if the two--the general and the wife--are related.
(a) Isabelle Oderberg, The other side of Chinese business. Business Spectator, May 23, 2010
http://www.businessspectator.com ... -3RUWD?OpenDocument
("He [Bo Xilai] is married, coincidentally, to Gu Kailai, a lawyer and daughter of Gu JingSheng, himself a communist revolutionary of note.

(b) Kathrin Hille, Chinese General Faces Corruption Probe. Financial Times, Feb 1, 2012
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f727d8 ... 1-00144feabdc0.html
("Lieutenant General Gu Junshan, deputy head of the General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army, was detained over lunar new year")

(a) Wang Xiangwei, Chongqing's political mystery deepens. South China Morning Post (SCMP), Feb 13, 2012.
http://topics.scmp.com/news/chin ... icle/Chongqing&


"About a week and a half ago, a high-ranking Chinese official was having dinner with friends in Beijing when he received an unusual text message on his mobile phone saying that Wang Lijun, the right-hand man of Chongqing party chief Bo Xilai, had sent a signed letter to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) detailing Bo's irregularities. That text came shortly before Chongqing's official announcement on February 2 that Wang, who orchestrated a high-profile crackdown on organised crime and helped boost Bo's political fortunes, had been stripped of his position as the city's powerful police chief

"While confirming the US statement that Wang visited the consulate, Beijing said he was 'stranded' in the consulate for a day before leaving. The choice of the word 'stranded,' which was used in a Chinese-language statement but not the English version, is very intriguing, as it implied that Wang could not have left early, even if he wanted to.

"But aside from a brief period of censorship on Tuesday night {Feb 7, when Wang Lijun decamped the Chengdu consulate], mainlanders have basically been free to discuss the incident.

"It is interesting to note that soon after the Chongqing government said Wang was on medical leave, Wang's supposed medical records were posted online, showing he suffered from severe depression and was suicidal. This was apparently aimed at setting up a scenario in which Wang had lost his mind.

(b) Choi Chi-yuk, Bo Conspicuous by His Absence in Media Reports. SCMP, Feb 13, 2012.  
http://topics.scmp.com/news/chin ... ce-in-media-reports


"Chen Ziming, a Beijing-based political analyst, said the official Chongqing media's omission of Bo might reflect certain instructions from the central leadership about limiting publicity about him in the media

"Immediately after the Wang Lijun saga broke, Bo was seen making an inspection trip to Yunnan province on Wednesday and Thursday, where he visited a military unit that had been set up by his late father, the communist revolutionary veteran Bo Yibo. The timing of Bo Xilai's visit to the 14th PLA Group Army in Kunming, Yunnan's capital city, has raised a few eyebrows

(a) Zhang Tianliang, Arrest of Chongqing’s Top Cop Suggests City’s Communist Party Leader in Jeopardy; Shake up taking place in highest ranks of Chinese regime. Epoch Times, Feb 13, 2012.
http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/ ... eopardy-190016.html
("Several overseas news outlets have reported that the mayor of Chongqing Huang Qifan came down to Chengdu with 70 police vehicles trying to abduct Wang back to Chongqing. However, it was the disciplinary committee of the Chinese Communist Party that took Wang Lijun away. Therefore, Wang flew directly to Beijing from Chengdu’s Shuangliu airport on Feb. 8 in the morning, claiming in an open letter being circulated under his name, that he would put up a life and death struggle with Bo Xilai")

My comment: Whatever your viewpoint about the media group--and it is possible that views in this analysis is tainted by writer's own viewpoints--the quotation above is a factoid, which needs to be confirmed. Even it (quotation) is true, though, that does not necessarily mean Mr Bo wants to kill Mr Wang for disclosing Bo's secrets or failings. As the drafts of Financial Times (see my previous posting) state, Wang's entry into US consulate at Chengdu violates protocol of Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I mean, come on, not even General Lin Biao and his family went into hiding at Soviet Union embassy.

(b) Matthew Little, PM to Meet Hardliner in Chongqing as Top Cop Disappears; Harper’s meeting with Bo could help fortunes of anti-democratic figure. Epoch Times, Feb 9, 2012.
http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/ ... appears-188693.html

, which in turn quoted

Simon Schuchat, East China Contacts on Leadership Changes. US Consulate at Shnaghai, Dec 4, 2007 (Ref No: 07SHANGHAI771; released by WikiLeqaks on Aug 30, 2011).

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