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王立军案迷雾再起, 维基密件真假难辨

发表于 2-24-2012 11:37:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Feb 24, 2012.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... aks--140304613.html

The last four paragraphs:

"将王立军事件和维基揭密扯上关系的不止博讯一家。大陆网民方应看在他主持的自由中国论坛上说,维基揭密2月18日公布了王立军在美国领事馆的录音资料。 (http://blog.boxun.com/hero/201202/fangyingkan/4_1.shtml)

"这篇帖子说,王立军在领馆逗留期间,曾向副领事Sean Barker和两名CIA雇员表示有重要国家机密向美国政府透露。方应看说,王立军被带到三楼防窃听会议室后,拿出了厚厚一个文件夹,表示里面全是中国党和国家最高层领导人的机密,希望以此换取政治避难权。

"不过,这个帖子下面公布的维基揭密的链接无法打开,而美国国务院公布的海外重要官员的名单中也无法查到Sean Barker其人。


My comment:
(a) The report cites
匿名邮件, 王立军事件最新爆料:维基解密收到文件. 博讯, Feb 2, 2012.
(b) Regarding Quotation 3, I can not open the link, either. HOWEVER, the Boxun web page at the bottom proffers a second link (besides the first link to inoperative WikiLeaks) to

BOTH the Boxun web page and Zyzg are written and hosted by 方应看. (I did not venture further to register and then read the supposed secrets posted at Zyzg.

(2) 王立军案新进展 美人士谈领馆事件. VOA Chinese, Feb 24, 2012.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... Case-140135663.html

My comment:
(a) Just like VOA's previous report based on Bill Gertz's, this VOA report talks about  Washington Times. But Mr Gertz's reports on Mr Wang Lijun have so far been published at Free Beacon.
(b) This VOA report is based on
Bill Gertz, Chinese Demand Return of Documents; Botched defection leads to diplomatic crisis, puts whistleblower at risk. Washington Free Beacon, Feb 21, 2012.

Quote from Gertz:

"The case also highlights growing concerns among U.S. officials that China’s outwardly stable regime is facing a major internal crisis in the months leading up to a leadership change.

"The Hong Kong Economic Times, a daily newspaper with good sources in Beijing, reported Feb. 15 that the Wang case exposed factional infighting between Chongqing and Shanghai communists, and that Bo Xilai’s Chongqing faction appears to be losing out in the political struggle.

Sorry, I tried but failed to find the report of Hong Kong Economic Times (www.hket.com; 香港經濟日報) whose website allows search and reading for subscribers only.

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