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美国Rutgers大学讲席教授Wise Young(杨咏威)痛斥新语丝小组

发表于 4-1-2012 10:03:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



   Wise Young,美国Rutgers大学讲席教授,细胞生物学和神经科学系主任、Keck国际合作神经科学中心主任,中国脊髓损伤研究协作组(China SCI Net)董事会联席主席。

   英文原文见: [www.starlakeporch.net]

   Wise Young简历见:[lifesci.rutgers.edu]        

美国Rutgers大学讲席教授Wise Young(杨咏威)痛斥新语丝小组

Wise Young(杨咏威)教授是美国美国Rutgers大学讲席教授、细胞生物学和神经科学系主任、Keck国际合作神经科学中心主任、中国脊髓损伤研究协作组(China SCI Net)董事会联席主席。Rutgers大学的脊髓损伤论坛,由他负责主持。
  杨咏威教授 (Dr. Wise Young) 是全球脊椎治疗权威之华裔学人,现担任新泽西州 罗格斯大学 (Rutgers University) 神经科学系 (Cell Biology & Neuroscience) 教授兼系主任,以致力协助脊椎伤患恢复身心能力而在医学界有「神经建造者」或「神经建筑师」之誉。他于 2001 年获《时代》杂志选为美国十八位最佳科学家及医生之一,入选者当中有两名华人,另一名是治疗爱滋病的专家何大一。

Wise Young(杨咏威)教授官方网页


作者:idzhang3 回复日期:2010-10-01 05:35:36 

  Wise Young(杨咏威)教授发布附言的中文译文
  http://sci.rutgers.edu/forum/sho ... 83&postcount=35
  就他的信用而言,肖医生在过去五年,一直非常努力致力于传授他的手术给其他医生,并且鼓励他们去从事并公布解除膀胱麻痹的肖氏手术的临床实验结果。 Peters医生在密歇根奥克兰大学William Beaumont医院进行的第一个临床实验报告,在the Journal of Urology(《泌尿学杂志》)期刊上公布了。据我所知,斯堪的纳维亚半岛(北欧国家)的其他实验结果也会很快公布。肖医生公布了他的研究结果。他的研究报告并不难找到。


作者:idzhang3 回复日期:2010-10-01 05:39:33 

  2010年3月,Wise Young(杨咏威)教授对新语丝小组指控肖传国的意见书(译文)
  在另一个帖子里,我对公开发表的肖医生的科学方法和相关临床研究作了概述。我也描述了我对肖医生在一些学术会议上所作报告的感想。顺便说一句,我第一次听肖医生的报告,是在2005年12月举行的、由ChinaSCINet资助的第一届国际脊髓损伤治疗与临床试验交流会(ISCITT)上。我想 ChinaSCINet应该还会有会议的DVD资料可供购买。
  之所以需要公正的第三方医生的临床试验,是用来确认这个手术方法的安全性和有效率。在一个新的报道里,William Beaumont医院的Kenneth Peters医生相当谨慎地提及他对肖氏手术对病人的有效率的评估,说结果是“混合的”。他指出接受这个治疗的12个手术病人中的三个脊髓损伤病人是“不成功”。你们在你们关于Peters医生研究陈述的描述中,没有提及9个脊柱裂病人中的7个显示“有改善”,其中一个女孩被认为是“home run”并恢复了“完全的自我控制”。这就是说,根据最新的报道,这是一个盲法试验,比较那些只做过拴系松解术的和那些搭建了外围神经桥的病人。非常期望在同行评议的期刊上看到关于这个成果的论文。

  附录:Dr. Wise Young的英文回复原文


   No. 1


   I suggest that you append your real name(s) and credentials to the letter of complaint that you just posted on CareCure. You appear to be anonymously making very serious allegations of misconduct against a well-known clinician. While this may be customary in China, this is not acceptable behavior in the United States.

   According to a link in your post, Dr. Xiao Chuan-Guo filed a defamation lawsuit against Sohu Information Technology Inc., the University Press of Peking Union Medical College, and Fang Shi-min in 2006. Are you one of the party that he filed the lawsuit against, i.e. Fang Shi-min (pen-name Fang Zhou-zhi)?

   Or are you representing the \\"intellectuals in China\\" who are listed as signatories of a letter protesting the 2006 judgment by the Jianghan District Court of Wuhan City against the Fang Shi-min, ordering him to apologize publicly and compensate Dr. Xiao?

   Who are the \\"New Threads Volunteers\\"? Whoever you are, please do not involve CareCure in the acrimonious personal exchanges between you and Dr. Xiao. If you are interested in discussing the merits of Dr. Xiao\\'s method and whether or not people with spinal cord injury can benefit from the treatment, you are of course very welcome to post and discuss the method although your credibility would be much enhanced if we knew who you are.

   One of the rules of this site is that members must not attack another member of CareCure. The complaint letter that you have posted is a personal attack of Dr. Xiao. Since Dr. Xiao may very well be a member of CareCure, I suggest that you avoid further personal attacks of him. Since the letter of complaint has been published elsewhere, I will allow the letter to remain on this site but please confine futher discussion to the surgical method.

   In another thread, I had summarized the published works of Dr. Xiao reporting his scientific and clinical findings. I had also described what I have seen at Dr. Xiao\\'s presentations at public symposia. Incidentally, the first presentation that I saw Dr. Xiao make was at the First International Spinal Cord Injury Treatment and Trials Symposium (ISCITT) held in December 2005 and sponsored by ChinaSCINet. I think that ChinaSCINet may have had some DVD\\'s of that symposium for sale and there may be some left.



   No. 2


   I am disappointed that you are not admitting to who you are. By hiding behind a name such as xyusergroup and claiming that you are a group of anonymous individuals, you are keeping your identity hidden. You are criticizing another man's integrity and claiming that he is lying about the success rate of his surgical procedure but yet you are unwilling to say who you are. I understand your fear of being sued but that fear is precisely why it is important that people identify themselves when criticizing others. In the United States, anonymous character assassination is not acceptable and seriously detracts from your credibility.

   Regardless of whether you agree your letter is personally attacking Dr. Xiao, I ask you to please refrain from attacks of him in the future on this site. Many parts of your letter go well beyond the facts and represent your personal subjective interpretations concerning Dr. Xiao's integrity. You should understand that "investigations" by lawyers are not highly regarded as sources of unbiased assessments because lawyers are traditionally expected in the United States to take sides in cases, regardless of truth. If you refer to so-called "experts", please identify them by name and credentials. For example, you are saying that certain "experts" disagree with Dr. Xiao's scientific explanations of the mechanisms of bladder reinnervation. Who are they? What makes them experts? The failure to identify them and the source of their authority makes your claims less credible.

   Clinical trials by unbiased third party doctors is what is required to ascertain whether this procedure is safe and effective. In a news report (Source), Dr. Kenneth Peters of the William Beaumont Hospitals was appropriately cautious in his assessment of the efficacy of the Xiao procedure in patients, calling the results "mixed". He pointed out that the treatment was "unsuccessful" in three spinal cord injury patients out of 12 operated patients. What you omitted in your description of that study is Dr. Peters statement that 7 of 9 patients with spina bifida showed "marked improvement", including one girl that was considered a "home run" and recovered "complete continence". Also, according to the news report, the study was a blinded one, i.e. comparing patients who had only untethering and those that had the peripheral nerve bridging. It would be very interesting to see the publication of these results in a peer-reviewed journal.

(Wise Young(杨咏威): 对新语丝小组指控肖传国公开信的意见书)接上页博讯www.peacehall.com



   No. 3


   I have asked you to confine your statements to Dr. Xiao's procedure and to refrain from personal attacks. You say that you are afraid of personal retaliation and yet you are again making personal attacks of Dr. Xiao on this public forum. In case you do not understand what I mean by personal attack, I refer to your repeated claims that Dr. Xiao is dishonest and that he has made threats against you. Please do not bring your acrimonious personal vendetta onto CareCure. It is clearly a vendetta, a campaign to discredit Dr. Xiao. It is not welcome on this site. I am consequently moving this thread into the Members Only Forum. If you make another attack post, I will remove this thread and ban you.


(Wise Young(杨咏威): 对新语丝小组指控肖传国公开信的意见书 全文完

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