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'孤儿'薄瓜瓜不知所终 立场成谜

发表于 4-19-2012 15:08:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Apr 14, 2012.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... vard-147438355.html


"但是,英国广播公司BBC中文网,星期六报道援引英国《泰晤士报》4月14日的文章说,薄瓜瓜告诉该报,这些都是'谣言。' 目前,在互联网搜索引擎谷歌查询,无法查到泰晤士报这篇报道。而BBC中文网的报道说,泰晤士报这篇报道的题目是:薄熙来的儿子可能寻求避难》(Bo Xilai’s son ‘may seek asylum’)

"不过,据路透社星期六一篇的报道 * * * 路透社的报道似乎还对薄瓜瓜在牛津'被抹黑'的生活进行了正名。报道说,薄瓜瓜一度纵情享乐,确实被勒令退学12个月。中国大使馆官员曾几次造访牛津,检查他的学业进展。不过,报道说,2010年,薄瓜瓜以相当高分从牛津政治、哲学和经济学院毕业。

My comment
(a) Apparently I missed this report.
(b) The report cites
(i) Will Pavia and Leo Lewis, Bo Xilai's Son 'May Seek Asylum.' Times of London, Apr 14, 2012.

(A) Regarding quotation 1 of the VOA report. It is known that Google News (news.google.com) can not return search results of news reports that its publishers do not want them to be found. In other words, if a publisher decides to put reports behind a pay wall,  those reports can not be found by Google News--sometimes, by Google itself. This was the outcome of a settlement of a civil action where publishers sued Google (possibly a decade ago).
(B) 保护性扣留 protective custody
This explains why the deputy spokesperson of US Department of States yesterday said "there is nothing to the story" that Mr Bo Guagua was in custody.

(ii) Ros Krasny, After Harvard, future is uncertain for Bo's son. Reuters, Apr 14, 2012.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USBRE83C1JF20120414
("In 2010, a year later than expected, Bo graduated with high marks in politics, philosophy, and economics")

My posting dated Apr 14 and titled "BO Guagua" listed the Reuters report.

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