(1) Jamil Anderlini, China's Security Supremo Caught in Bo Fallout; Reports say Zhou YongKang, reputed an ally of the fallen star, is fighting for his job. Financial Times, Apr 21, 2012.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f978ce ... 5-00144feab49a.html
My comment: Mr Zhou is in danger. This is not news. But the report is thoughtful. I reccoend it. Besides, there is no need to sign-in.
(2) Carol S Lee and Jay Solomon, News of Drama in China Consulate Reached Obama. Wall Street Journal, Apr 21, 2012.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 56342365756440.html
Two consecutive paragraphs:
"The senior administration official said Mr Obama was briefed on major developments. However, the official said Mr. Obama played no direct role in deciding what to do with Mr. Wang, adding that a firewall exists between the State Department and White House on issues of political asylum.
(3) Brian Spegele, Beijing Steps in to Steady City Bo Ruled. Wall Street Journal, Apr 21, 2012
(ZHI Shuping's statement)
My comment: There is no need to read.
(4) Mark Hosenball, Did US Fumble chance to Peer inside China's Leadership? Reuters, Apr 21, 2012.
http://in.reuters.com/article/20 ... INDEE83K02Y20120421
Three consecutive paragraphs:
"US diplomats and intelligence officials said US agencies were initially skeptical of Wang's stories and that one of his most sensational claims, involving an alleged murder, was not circulated in Washington to officials normally briefed on such information.
"'We were not told about the murder (allegations) until much later,' after stories describing Wang Lijun's visit to the consulate surfaced in the media, one U.S. official told Reuters.
"This official and others said agencies in Washington dealing with the Wang case concluded that while intriguing, it was primarily a local sideshow involving individuals, including Wang himself, of questionable character and credibility.