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Lettuce: Planting, Harvesting AND Shipment, in US

发表于 5-9-2012 10:40:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
My comment:
(a) China reported that some Chinese farmers used formalin to keep leafy vegetables green. Intrigued, I wanted to learn how lettuce comes to Massachusetts supermarkets, especially in winters. We import grapes from Chile in winters. But do we do the same about lettuce?
(b) In winter, the soil in Massachusetts is frozen. Greenhouses in and near the state simply can not produce enough. Besides, greenhouses cost a lot, particularly the energy expenses.
(c) Why do I chhose lettuce? Because it is fragile and at the same times, as it turns out, the largest vegetable crop in US.

(d) Start with video clips.
(i) An overview.

From Planting to Packing. Baby Cos. YouTube.com, uploaded by Bestleeks on Apr 30, 2008
("A look at how baby cos lettuce is produced on Peter Schreurs and Sons Vegetable Farm"

* For "cos," see lettuce
(Lactuca sativa; a temperate annual or biennial plant; Lettuce was first cultivated by the Egyptians, who turned it from a weed whose seeds were used to make oil into a plant grown for its leaves; a good source of vitamin A and potassium; section 1 Taxonomy and etymology: Greek island of Cos; section 4.1 Cultivars: Crisphead--Better known as the "iceberg" lettuce, the most popular lettuce in the United States; section 5 Production)
* romaine lettuce
* romaine. Wikitionary.
* Peter Schreurs & Sons Vegetable Farm
("Peter Schreurs and Sons is a family run vegetable farm in Devon Meadows which is about 50km Southeast of Melbourne Australia")

(ii) Lettuce in January. Where does it come from? YouTube.com, uploaded by chuck431006 on Feb 18, 2008
("How lettuce is grown, harvested, cooled and shipped in America's winter lettuce bowl - Yuma, AZ")

* Yuma, Arizona
(a city in and the county seat[2] of Yuma County; named after Fort Yuma)
* Fort Yuma
(a fort in California that is located in Imperial County, across the Colorado River from Yuma, Arizona; built in 1851 by US Army; In use 1851-1883; Current condition  Restored; Current owner  Federal government of the United States)
* Historic California Posts:
Fort Yuma (Including Camp Calhoun, Camp Independence, Camp Yuma, Yuma Quartermaster Depot). The California State Military Museum
, California State Military Deppartment, undated.
("A year later [in 1850] the Army returned to the Calhoun site and adopted a new name, after the Yuma Indians in the area

(iii) In the West, migrant workers largely harvest lettuce by hand. However, mechanical harvesting is also done.

Ramsay Highlander Mechanical Romaine Harvester. YouTube.com, uploaded by coonsvideo on Jun 9, 2009.
("Mechanically harvesting Romaine lettuce, then top and tailing it. It's then washed and side loaded into a bin")
(iv) How lettuce is stored and transported.

Safe Transportation of Leafy Green Produce. YouTube.com, uploaded by StephenLeeH on Aug 29, 2011
("This is a training video for everyone involved in the safe transport of lettuce and other leafy green produce")

The essence: Always 34 degrees Fahrenheit; two feet between crates inside a refrigerated truck.

(e) Literature:
(i) Hayley Boriss and Henrich Brunke, Lettuce Profile. Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, last revised April 2012.
http://www.agmrc.org/commodities ... es/lettuce-profile/


"In the early 1900s, the ice shipping industry developed in the western states, expanding the range and popularity of lettuce.

"A small number of firms are responsible for growing, processing and transporting lettuce to retail outlets. * * * Estimates suggest that about one fourth of all iceberg lettuce is now destined for processing into packaged salads

"California and Arizona account for about 98 percent of commercial domestic output of lettuce.

"The United States is the second largest lettuce-producing country behind China * * * Nearly all or 98 percent of the lettuce consumed in the United States is produced domestically.

"The value of all U.S. lettuce production [8.7 billion pounds] in 2010 was approximately $2.2 billion, making it the leading vegetable crop in terms of value.

"The United States remains a leading lettuce exporter, second behind Spain. [US lettuce export] in 2010 valued at $439.3 million. * * * By far the biggest share of U.S. lettuce exports are shipped to Canada, Taiwan and Mexico. Canada has been the leading recipient of U.S. lettuce since at least 1989 and receives approximately 86 percent of the total US lettuce exports

(ii) Kerns DL et al, Guidelines for Head Lettuce Production in Arizona. Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (IPM Series Number 12, page 19; February 1999; Publication number az1099)


(A) "Today, Arizona ranks second, following California, in production of lettuce")

(B) Under the section heading "Harvest and Post-Harvest":

"Depending on variety, planting slot, temperature, salts and other abiotic and biotic factors, lettuce will generally be ready for harvest in approximately 65 for fall-planted crops and 100 days winter-planted crops.

"Because of the extensive labor involved, harvesting is the greatest expense in lettuce production.

"Lettuce market prices vary wildly depending on demand and availability because it has a short shelf live and is sold at harvest. Growers do not have the luxury of waiting for a favorable price. * * * Unlike fiber and grain crops, the lettuce market is much more volatile and is not as globally driven. * * * Because lettuce is a perishable commodity, growers cannot store their product when prices are undesirable. Thus, lettuce growers are at the immediate mercy of the current price in the lettuce market. Lettuce production is a high risk, high capital endeavor that requires keen planning, marketing, and production practices to be successful.

* IPM stans for Integrated Pest Management, within Cooperative Extension program, University of Arizona.

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