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Rice: Origin and Merchantized Harvesting in Taiwan

发表于 5-9-2012 13:31:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(A)  Rice was first domesticated in Yangtze Valley ~8,200–13,500 years ago. See (1). All the research papers in this posting are open source articles, available to all for free.
(a) Molina J et al, Molecular Evidence for a Single Evolutionary Origin of Domesticated Rice. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 108: 8351-8356 (May 17, 2011).

* Key researchers were affiliated with New York University.
* Paragraph 3 of the full text stated, "Genetic analysis has established that rice consists of several genetically differentiated variety groups, with the two main groups being indica and japonica. Sometimes described as subspecies, indica and japonica have been recognized since ancient China and are the most widely grown rice varieties." (footnotes omitted)
(b) Press release: Rice's Origins Point to China, Genome Researchers Conclude. New York University, May 2, 2012 (No 378).
http://www.nyu.edu/about/news-pu ... chers-conclude.html

(2) Zhao K et al, Genome-Wide Association Mapping Reveals a Rich Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits in Oryza sativa. Nature Communications, 2: 467 (Sept 13, 2011).

* Key researchers were from Cornell University.
* Pay attention to Figure 1 (ansd its legend) only. The size and composition of "smaller pie charts" reflected sample collectioned for this study, which most likely reflects the underlying size and composition of the "countries" where rice-plant samples were gathered. A survey of various smaller pie charts in disparate countries shows:
(a) In China, north cultivates japonica--and Yangtze to Canton, indica.  
(b) Japan has japonica and Taiwan has both (a majority being indica and more than a third, japonica).
(c) There are two clusters of rice growing regions in US: Mississippi delta and California ("admixed" or hybrid was significant in both regions).   

(1) Introduction to Taiwan Rice. Agriculture and Food Agncy, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwam, ubdated.
http://www.afa.gov.tw/content_en ... ycatid=1&scat=t
("As far as cultivation technology is concerned, seedling culture, seedling transplanting, pest and disease management, harvesting, and drying are all mechanized in Taiwan. Each variety [indica or japonica] has its own specific cultivation techniques")
(2) Tony Coolidge, Where does it come from?: Rice.
Life In Taiwan; Life and experiences in Taiwan through the eyes of an American family. June 7, 2010 (photos; blog).
http://livingintaiwan.wordpress. ... -it-come-from-rice/

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