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登岛录像 + 日驻华大使车

发表于 8-27-2012 12:01:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 日本公布保钓人士登岛前后录像剪辑. BBC Chinese, Aug 27, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... n_china_video.shtml

(2) 日驻华大使'遇袭' 车头国旗被拔. BBC Chinese, Aug 27, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... an_flag_china.shtml

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 楼主| 发表于 8-27-2012 15:58:25 | 只看该作者
(1) 日驻华大使车北京'遇袭' 网民热议. BBC Chinese, Ag 27, 2012.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... k_webcomments.shtml

(2) 日本防卫省决定购两栖战车防卫岛屿. BBC Chinese, Ag 27, 2012.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... 27_japan_jsdf.shtml

(a) The report says 日本防卫省 "决定购买美国4辆水陆两栖战车AAV7 * * * 《产经新闻》引述防卫省官员的话说:'本来专注防卫的自卫队被说成没必要持有两栖战车,但是一旦设想夺回被夺岛屿的话,两栖战车就不可缺。' 目前日本的岛屿防卫军备是海上自卫队'大隅号'(Osumi)型运输舰上配备气垫艇LCAC,防卫省指出,如果要从敌方手中夺回岛屿,登陆时就不得不防备敌方的武力攻击,所以需要两栖战车。"
(i) For AAV7, see Assault Amphibious Vehicle
(AAV—official designation AAV-7A1; In service        1972–present; Used by US Marine, Taiwan (54 vehicles) and others)
(ii) Ōsumi class tank landing ship
(おおすみ型輸送艦; is a Japanese amphibious transport dock; While the JMSDF describes the Ōsumi class as tank landing ships, they lack the bow doors and beaching capability traditionally associated with LSTs)
(A) It is also deemed a helicopter carrier.
(B) More photos can be seen in
(C) Ōsumi
(can stand for 大隅半島 or 大隅諸島, both of Kagoshima Prefecture 鹿児島 県)
(D) LST stands for
Landing Ship, Tank
(was the military designation for naval vessels created during World War II to support amphibious operations by carrying significant quantities of vehicles, cargo, and landing troops directly onto an unimproved shore)
(iii) LCAC
(LCAC is a US Navy hull classification symbol for the "Landing Craft Air Cushion"-class hovercraft)

(b) The report also states, "周日在日本静冈县御殿场自卫队富士演习场举行的陆海空自卫队联合的大规模'综合火力军演'也是以夺岛为题。尽管这个公开军演是每年例行地展示自卫队的行动,但周日在3.1万观众面前,陆上自卫队最新锐的国产坦克'10式战车'和海上自卫队的P-3C反潜机等都是首次公开露面。
(i) 静岡県 Shizuoka Prefecture
(ii) 御殿場市 ごてんばし  Gotenba-shi (where shi is 市)
(iii) 陸上自衛隊  東富士演習場
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6 ... 4%E7%BF%92%E5%A0%B4
(where Fuji sogo karyoku enshu 富士総合火力演習 is held annually since 1961)
(c) The photo caption of the BBC report reads, "8月21日陆上自卫队西部方面普通科连队近40人又投入与美国海军陆战队第三陆战远征军在太平洋关岛附近岛屿举行的37天夺岛军演。"
(i) 西部方面隊
(英: JGSDF Western Army (WA for short); "陸上自衛隊の方面隊のひとつ。司令部は熊本市に所在し、九州および沖縄の防衛警備や災害派遣等を担任している")

translation of the quotation: One of the Area Groups 方面隊. The headquarters is at City of Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture and covers defense and rescue of Kyushu and Okinawa.
(ii) 西部方面普通科連隊
(JGSDF Western Army Infantry Regiment(Light):WAiR; 長崎県佐世保市の相浦駐屯地に駐屯する陸上自衛隊西部方面隊直轄の普通科連隊(軽)である)

translation of the second clause: stationed at 長崎県佐世保市の相浦駐屯地, directly governed by 陸上自衛隊西部方面隊, and

佐世保市 Sasebo-shi
相浦駐屯地 (pronounced Ainoura chutochi)  Camp Ainoura
普通科 (n): "(1) infantry;  (2) (See 普通課程) general education curriculum"
連隊; 聯隊 【れんたい】 (n): "regiment"

The last two are fromJim Breen's online Japanese dictionary.

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