(1) Barbara Demick, Bo Xilai Issue Hangs Over China's 18th Party Congress. Los Angeles Times, Aug 30, 2012.
http://www.latimes.com/news/nati ... g-china-bo-20120830,0,6315621.story
"The government appears poised to remove him this week as a member of the National People's Congress, the Chinese equivalent of a parliament, during a five-day committee meeting that is supposed to conclude Friday. According to the congress' website, the meeting will deal with 'personnel changes' and 'legal matters;' political analysts believe that is code for Bo.
"But it is not easy to stage a vanishing act with a larger-than-life character like Bo. * * * he remains out of sight but not out of mind.
(i) party pooper (n; poop + -er; First Known Use 1954):
"a person who refuses to join in the fun of a party; broadly: one who refuses to go along with everyone else"
(ii) poop (vi; of imitative origin; First Known Use circa 1903):
(b) CHEN Ziming 陈 子明
(c) HAN Deqiang 韩 徳强
(d) WANG Zheng (of Beijing Institute of Economics and Managemen) 北京经济管理干部学院教师 王铮 (a woman)
(2) Two Choices For Party Congress; Bao Tong says that disgraced Chinese political figure Bo Xilai is a true 'son of the Party.' Radio Free Asia, Aug 29, 2012
http://www.rfa.org/english/comme ... 08292012131219.html
, which is translated from
鲍彤, RFA独家:不再唱红打黑还是坚持唱红打黑? 十八大有两种选择--薄熙来已经进入历史。他之所以被载入史册,主要不是由于在薄谷开来一案中被切割,而是由于他对'唱红打黑'的建树。 RFA, Aug 29, 2012