【 在 posteriori 的大作中提到: 】
: 自习室对面坐一读经济学的哥们,我说中国政府腐败(corruption,语境里基本理解为政府官员收受贿赂)很严重,完了他给我说了两点腐败的好处:
: 1,如果商人的钱不用于行贿,那就是再投资。本地投资饱和,这些钱就会投向国外,造成资本流失。官员的腐败所得多半都用来消费,而且多半是在本国消费,这对促进内需有利;
: 2,发展中国家,高薪养廉不可行,低薪的话,官员就没有动力,不办事。受贿所得是他们积极的投入到经济工作中的动力。
The problem with bribery is that the standard to evaluate who gets to have the contract will not be based who's got the best performance, it will be who pays the official more money. So there will be no incentive to improve the efficiency. You get to have companies who focus on reducing the cost as much as possible to build tofu quality schools, and they get to pocket all the profits.
: 怎么批判,大家建议。