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Tibetan Antelope

发表于 10-19-2012 11:53:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jennie Erin Smith, Old Man of the Mountains; One man's determination has helped rescue giant pandas, Marco Polo sheep and snow leopards, among other charismatic species. Wall Street Journal, Oct 19, 2012
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 30790637241294.html
(book review on George B Schaller, Tibet Wild; A naturlist's journeys on the roof of the world. Island Press, 2012)

(a) For Chang Tang, see Changtang  羌塘
(b) The book talks about "Tibetan antelope, or chiru."

(or chiru; Pantholops hodgsonii; 藏羚羊; native to the Tibetan plateau; Tibetan antelope are gregarious; The females migrate up to 300 km (190 mi) yearly to calving grounds in the summer, where they usually give birth to a single calf, and rejoin the males at the wintering grounds in late autumn)
(c) Wildlife Conservation Society
(based at the Bronx Zoo; founded in 1895)
(d) The report mentions "the delicate, pricey 'shatoosh' shawls that Bergdorf Goodman, among other vendors, was advertising. The superfine wool used to make the shawls was purported to come from the downy undercoat of a mountain ibex that rubbed itself against low trees; shepherds of the Chang Tang were said to collect the soft hairs each spring."

* For shatoosh, see shahtoosh
* ibex (disambiguation)
(Ibex is a common name for various species of mountain goat)

(e) Sven Hedin
(1865-1952; Swedish)
(f) The review says, "The pika, a rabbit relative that forms a key part of the plateau's ecosystem, is poisoned en masse by government officials because it competes with livestock for grass."

(g) Marco Polo sheep
(a subspecies; Their habitat is the mountainous regions of Central Asia; Marco Polo sheep are distinguishable mostly by their large size and spiraling horns)
(h) snow leopard
(native to the mountain ranges of Central Asia)
(i) The review states, "'Tibet Wild' has a valedictory quality."
* valedictory (adj): "of or relating to a valediction : expressing or containing a farewell"
* valediction (n; Latin valedicere to say farewell, from vale farewell + dicere to say): "an act of bidding farewell"

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