Joanne Chiu, Initial Jet Made in China Lures More Orders; Domestic airlines head interest in 150-seat plane from state-owned Comac; For Now, Little Enthusiasm Abroad. Wall Street Journal, Nov 14, 2012. ... 16770320713876.html
two consecutive paragraphs:
"The Chinese aircraft maker also has yet to achieve significant progress in talks with regulators in China and the U.S. that will oversee final approval of the plane [C919].
"To illustrate possible delays for the C919, the production of Comac's smaller regional jet, the ARJ21, is at least five years behind schedule, with final certification expected in 2013, pushed back from 2008. Comac's chief finance officer, Tian Min, on Tuesday hinted at further setbacks for the project. 'We now expect to take one to two more years for the first delivery of the ARJ21,' he said, citing delays in airworthiness tests. |