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发表于 3-14-2009 11:54:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Hi friends!

I am SO excited to announce a new project I am working on--one that I hope YOU will participate in, if you are so inclined. As you may know, since last August, I have been working at CNN International, and have had the pleasure of covering a number of stories I find fascinating, important, and challenging in equal measure. But it occurred to me recently that there were many such stories in China that, due to limitations of the typical tv format, CNN just wasn\'t covering. This, on top of my longstanding belief that sincere, thoughtful dialogue between individuals can reduce many of the misunderstandings and conflicts that happen at the national level, inspired me to propose a new segment for CNN International\'s Asia news shows: \"The E Forum: E论中国.\" http://theeforum.blogspot.com/
很兴奋地告诉大家,我目前正在忙一个项目;如果大家愿意的话,非常希望大家能够参与。大家可能知道,从去年8月份,我开始在CNN国际工作。在工作期间, 我很荣幸地报道了一些有趣的、重要的同时也具有挑战性的新闻故事。但是,我最近发现,由于电视的典型报道形式的限制,很多关于中国的新闻故事没有得到足 够的报道。另外,我一直相信真诚的、认真的、人与人之间的对话能够减少国家与国家之间的误解与矛盾。基于此,我向CNN国际建议开播一个新的节目,叫 “The E Forum: E论中国”,主要报道和中国有关的新闻。http://theeforum.blogspot.com/

The irony here, of course, is that many of you, my hoped-for target audience, are in America or China, where CNN International is not widely available (though for, er, different reasons in each case :). Fear not! One key feature of this segment is that the real fireworks take place online. I think of it like this:

--Monday through Sunday: I\'ll post China-related news and topics for discussion on the blog site. You, your friends, and other thoughtful people post comments. (Please post comments!!!)
--Sunday night: Live on CNN International air I will give a brief intro to the topic, and then shine a spotlight on the comments that inspire, amuse, and inform all sides about the ways that reasonable think about topics in the news.
--The next Monday: the tv segment will be posted on the blog site for you to see and comment further, if you like. No reason one issue can\'t appear multiple times.

So first and foremost, comment away! And feel free to share this email, and/or the link (http://theeforum.blogspot.com/) with anyone you think might be interested. This is absolutely a more-the-merrier pilot. I invite and encourage you to post in any language you feel comfortable using...but I will only do the bulk of my segment in English, and if you post in something other than Chinese or English, all bets on my translation abilities are off!
所以,首先,请大家一定要多多评论!也欢迎大家将我的电子邮件转发给其他朋友。参与评论的朋友越多越好。大家可以随意用英文或者中文评论。如果你选择用中文或者英文以外的语言评论,我可能保证不了翻译质量! :)

A few caveats: the segment I have proposed is a pilot only, at this point. I have the green light to develop and explore away, but there are no guarantees that this will be picked up. Because of the legal gray area that puts me in, CNN\'s name does not appear on the version of the blog you see. If the pilot is picked up, this would likely change domains or otherwise become more obviously associated with CNN.
需要说明一下:我这个节目还没有正式开播;虽然台里已经“开了绿灯”,让我策划,但是还不能保证一定会播出。由于我这个节目还没有拿到最后的“准生证”,所以目前我的博客还是以个人的名义出现。如果节目正式开播,大家就能看到CNN的标志了。祝我好运! :)

That said, I would love to have your meta-feedback, in addition to your comments on the site. What would make you want to see watch this on tv? And what would make you engage with the website more often? What do you like, and what do you wish were different? Having the resources and the reach of CNN is an exciting and sometimes intimidating possibility...and your ideas would be invaluable to me.
另外, 非常希望大家可以给我多提建议和意见!你希望在节目中看到什么内容?如何让我的博客更有吸引力?关于我的博客,你喜欢哪些地方,希望改变哪些地方?您的建议对我非常重要!

Warmest regards from Atlanta,



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发表于 3-14-2009 17:18:01 | 只看该作者

Re: 我在CNN有条内线



【 在 Bullybird 的大作中提到: 】
: 下面是CNN国际部的朋友给我的email,有兴趣的可以去参加她新建的博客的讨论:
: Hi friends!
: 朋友们好!
: I am SO excited to announce a new project I am working on--one that I hope YOU will participate in, if you are so inclined. As you may know, since las
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 3-14-2009 17:24:46 | 只看该作者

Re: 我在CNN有条内线



【 在 ayanami 的大作中提到: 】
: 美女呀。
: 我萎缩的google了一下她的pp....
: 【 在 Bullybird 的大作中提到: 】
: : 下面是CNN国际部的朋友给我的email,有兴趣的可以去参加她新建的博客的讨论:
: : Hi friends!
: : 朋友们好!
: (以下引言省略...)

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发表于 3-14-2009 21:03:34 | 只看该作者

Re: 我在CNN有条内线



【 在 Bullybird (金翅鸟) 的大作中提到: 】
: 下面是CNN国际部的朋友给我的email,有兴趣的可以去参加她新建的博客的讨论:
: Hi friends!
: 朋友们好!
: I am SO excited to announce a new project I am working on--one that I hope YOU will participate in, if you are so inclined. As you may know, since last August, I have been working at CNN International, and have had the pleasure of covering a number of stories I find fascinating, important, and challenging in equal measure. But it occurred to me recently that there were many such stories in China that, due to limitations of the typical tv format, CNN just wasn\'t covering. This, on top of my longstanding be
: ...................

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发表于 3-14-2009 21:03:34 | 只看该作者

Re: 我在CNN有条内线



【 在 Bullybird (金翅鸟) 的大作中提到: 】
: 下面是CNN国际部的朋友给我的email,有兴趣的可以去参加她新建的博客的讨论:
: Hi friends!
: 朋友们好!
: I am SO excited to announce a new project I am working on--one that I hope YOU will participate in, if you are so inclined. As you may know, since last August, I have been working at CNN International, and have had the pleasure of covering a number of stories I find fascinating, important, and challenging in equal measure. But it occurred to me recently that there were many such stories in China that, due to limitations of the typical tv format, CNN just wasn\'t covering. This, on top of my longstanding be
: ...................

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