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发表于 11-28-2012 12:26:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Tom Orlik, Taiwan's Export Straits. Wall Street Journal, Nov 28, 2012 (title in print; in the half page "Heard on the Street").
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 44083803815860.html


"The downturn in the US and Europe—final destination for Taiwan's consumer electronics—outweighs any positive effect from easier cross-straits trade. * * * Taiwan's gross domestic product expanded just 1% year-on-year in the third quarter. The island can expect to welcome more mainland tourists. But it's a turnaround in the US and Europe that is required to get growth back on track.

"Mr Ma's pro-mainland stance hasn't prevented Taiwan's export growth falling to 3.9% year-on-year in the four years since he took over, from 11% in the four years before [under Pres Chen Shui-bian].

Note: Ruentex Development  潤泰創新國際 (Taipei)

(2) Craig Karmin, Chinese Developers Dig Into US; Companies backed by investors in China primarily seek residential projects. WSJ, Nov 28, 2012.

the first two paragraphs:

"A Chinese company listed on the New York Stock Exchange is beginning to develop residential property in the US, hoping to tap into the hot demand among Chinese investors for US apartments.

Xinyuan Real Estate Co 鑫苑置业 purchased a site last month in Williamsburg, in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, for its first development in the US, a 216-unit condominium building. The company also is scouting for other U.S. projects, planning to sell about 40% of the units it builds to Chinese investors.

(3) Chester Dawson, Japan's Spat With China Takes Big Toll on Tourism; Island rift hurts key element of Tokyo's gerowth strategy. WSJ, Nov 28, 2012.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 08141809512474.html


"The sag in Sino-Japanese tourism trend appears to be mutual. JTB Corp., Japan's largest travel agency, said it expects 70% fewer Japanese tourists to visit China in the second half of the year, compared with last year * * * Japanese are second only to Koreans when it comes to tourists [to China], according to China National Tourist Office statistics.

"The loss of Chinese tourists has been particularly hard. Not including round-trip airfare, Chinese tourists spent an average of ¥176,360 ($2,145) per visitor while in Japan in the April-June quarter—before the dispute heated up—the biggest spenders of any nationality, according to Japan Tourist Agency data.

(a) The report mentions a Japanese named Ashraf Kawakami.
(i) Ashraf
(ii) The Japanese surname Kawakami is 川上.

(i) The report talks about "Japan Tourist Agency."

There is only "Japan TourisM Agency," 観光庁  
under Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport & Tourism (MLIT; 国土交通省).
(ii) Earlier in the report, Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO) was cited.

(an Independent Administrative Institution of the government of Japan [not under any ministry])

(c) In the photo caption: Sensōji 金龍山 浅草寺
(located in 東京都 台東区 浅草二丁目; 東京都内最古の寺; 創建年 (伝)推古天皇36年(628年))
(i) Quote: "本尊は聖観音菩薩(しょうかんのんぼさつ)。元は天台宗に属していたが第二次世界大戦後独立し、聖観音宗の総本山となった."

translation: The temple worships Kanno /Goddess of Mercy. Originally belonging in Tendai sect of Buddhism, teh temple, independent after World War II, turned into the head temple of   shō-Kanno sect.

* honzon 本尊 【ほんぞん】 (n): "principal object of worship at a temple"  
* sōhonzan 総本山 【そうほんざん】 (n): "head temple of a sect"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary
* The "shō" and "Kanno" in "Shō-Kanno sect" are both Chinese pronunciations for kanji 聖 and 観音, respectively.
(ii) The "sensō" and "asakusa" are Chinese and Japanese pronunciations, respectively, of kanji 浅草.

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 楼主| 发表于 11-28-2012 12:48:54 | 只看该作者
(d) Visa exemption for residents of Taiwan started on Sept 20, 2005, and for those of South Korea, on Feb 06, 2006.
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