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发表于 4-4-2009 20:30:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

[<h2 class="entry-title">[<a target=_blank class="entry-title-link" target="_blank" href="http://chinagfw.org/2009/04/blog-post_5115.html">互联网自由至关重要,中国屈居全球互联网最不自由的国家亚军[</a>[</h2>[<div class="entry-author">
from [<a target=_blank href="http://www.google.com/reader/view/feed/http%3A%2F%2Fchinagfw.org%2Ffeeds%2Fposts%2Fdefault" class="entry-source-title" target="_blank">GFW Blog: 中国数字时代公民博客和GFW Blog版牛博[</a> by GFW Blog[</div>
来源:[<a target=_blank target="_blank" href="http://thomasgguo.world.edoors.com/CqkjezbSKV3Q">http://thomasgguo.world.edoors.com/CqkjezbSKV3Q[</a>
     New Study Identifies Emerging Threats to Internet Freedom [<p style="text-align: center; text-indent: 36pt;" align="center">
[</p> [<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
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作者:莎拉库克 译者:郭国汀[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
Washington – March 30, 2009 –A new study from Freedom House warns that the rights of internet andmobile phone users are increasingly at risk as governments, bothrepressive and democratic, expand their ability to monitor and controlonline activity. [</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
华盛顿2009年3月30日电.一项由 “自由之家”主持的最新研究,警告互联网和移动电话用户的权利正在日益危险之中,各国政府,无论是专制的还是民主的,均在扩展他们监视控制网上活动的能力.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">[<a target=_blank target="_blank" href="http://www.freedomhouse.org/uploads/FreedomOnTheNet.pdf">
Freedom on the Net[</a> identifieswide disparities in internet freedom among the 15 countries studied andraises concern over trends such as the "outsourcing of censorship" toprivate companies and authoritarian governments' use of undercoveragents to manipulate online conversations. The report cites bothrepressive and democratic governments for internet surveillance and forfailing to adequately inform users about censorship standards. [</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
“网上自由”专项研究证实了在15个被选作检测对象的国家中,互联网自由度相当悬殊差异巨大,引起人们关注诸如对私营公司的 “审查外延化”的趋势,及专制政府雇用秘密代理人暗中操纵网上对话与讨论.该研究报告引证无论专制政府还是民主政府,都对互联网进行监视,且都未能适当地通知用户有关内容审查的标准.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
"Morethan a billion people look to the internet and mobile phones to providea new freedom frontier, where they can exercise their right to freedomof expression without repercussion," said Jennifer Windsor, FreedomHouse executive director. "But as access grows, more governments areemploying diverse and sophisticated methods to monitor, censor andpunish internet users." [</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
“超过十亿人看到互联网和移动电话提供了一种新自由边境,他们能够在网上行使表达自由权而无需担忧后果”, “自由之家”的执行经理杰尼佛.温德斯说道. “但是随着互联网用户的飞速发展,日益增多的政府正在使用各种复杂的方式和技术,监视、审查和惩罚互联网用户”.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
Freedom House developed the pilot study to better understand emerging threats to internet freedom. Freedom on the Netevaluates each country based on barriers to access, limitations oncontent and violations of users' rights. It captures not onlygovernment actions, but also indicates that citizens are resistinggovernment attempts to restrict their online activity. [</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
“自由之家”开发了“网上自由”项目研究指南,以便更好地理解对互联网自由正在形成的威胁. “网上自由”对每个国家进入互联网的障碍,对互联网内容的限制及侵犯用户的权利作出评价.它不仅记录政府行为,而且指出公民们正在反抗政府限制他们的网上活动的企图.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
Findingsfrom the study, which covers events from 2007 to 2008, will be formallyreleased Wednesday to a conference of more than a thousand bloggers inBerlin, Germany. Freedom House hopes to expand the study to examineinternet freedom in all countries of the world.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
通过对发生于2007年至2008年间事件的研究作出的报告,将于周三在德国柏林举行的,有数千名博客主参加的世界博客大赛大会上正式公布。 “自由之家”希望在全世界所有国家拓展互联网自由检查的专项研究.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
Cubareceived the lowest score in the study because of the Castro regime'snear total control over internet access. Three other countries receiveda ranking of Not Free: China, Iran and Tunisia. The vast majority ofthe countries studied received a Partly Free ranking: Egypt, Georgia,India, Kenya, Malaysia, Russia and Turkey. Estonia tops the study asthe country with the most internet freedom. Other countries ranked Freeare: Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom. [</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
Thestudy's China report shows a particular paradox: a country with anestimated 300 million online users that also has the world’s mosthighly-developed censorship apparatus. China ties with Cuba for thecountry with the most curbs on users' rights, including prosecutionsfor online activities, surveillance and extra-legal harassment ofbloggers.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
该研究的中国报告显示出特殊悖论:中国拥有近三亿网民,同时也有全世界最高度发达先进的审查制度技术仪器。因而紧随古巴成为全世界控制用户权利最严厉的国家,包括因网上活动被检控、对博客主进行审查和法外骚扰。 [</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
"FreedomHouse is heartened by the fact that citizens, even in highly-repressivecountries like China, Cuba and Iran, are pushing back with creativityand courage against these growing government controls over theinternet," said Windsor. "Democratic countries should not only supportsuch voices, but also set an example of best practice with their owndigital media policies."[</p>
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General Trends[</p>
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[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·                     Growing Access, Threats: Insix (40 percent) of the countries examined, internet use doubledbetween 2006 and 2008. Mobile phone penetration doubled in three (20percent) of the countries. At the same time, six countries (40 percent)sentenced a blogger to prison and a third of the countries introducednew internet-restricting legislation. Methods to control and censortraditional media are seeping into the new media environment, but arenot as common yet. In addition to imprisonment, torture, andintimidation of internet activists, governments also engage in onlineharassment by hacking or using technical means to shut down websites. [</p>
[<p style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
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[<p style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·                     对互联网使用权增长的威胁:在六个被检测研究的国家中(占40%),互联网用户在2006年至2008年两年间增长了两倍。移动电话上网率在三个国家(占20%)增长了两倍。与此同时,六个国家(占40%)判决一名博客主入狱,且有三分之一的国家制定了新的限制互联网的法规。审查和控制传统媒体的方法,正在渗透入该新媒体环境中,但是尚未普遍适用。除了监禁、酷刑和威胁互联网活动家外,各国政府亦正在使用黑客进行网上骚扰或使用技术手段关闭网站。[</p>
[<p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·         Censorship Proliferates: Elevencountries (73 percent) targeted political content in at least oneinstance, and general censorship and control was present in everycountry studied. Censorship techniques included technical filtering,manual content removal because of government directives, intimidation,judicial decisions and sophisticated manipulation of onlineconversations by undercover agents.[</p>
[<p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·                     Outsourcing Censorship: Moregovernments are requiring private actors such as internet serviceproviders, blog hosting companies, cybercafé employees and mobile phoneoperators to censor and monitor users. This outsourcing affects bothlocal and multinational companies. [</p>
[<p style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·                     外源审查制度:更多的政府要求私人行为人,诸如互联网服务供应商、博客网主公司、网吧雇主和移动电话经营人,监视和监督用户。本土和跨国公司均受到此种外源审查制度的影响。[</p>
[<p style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·                     More Internet Freedom than Press Freedom:For every country in the study—with the exception of the UnitedKingdom—their internet freedom score outperformed their score inFreedom House’s Freedom of the Press study, which principallyexamines broadcast and print media. These differences were mostpronounced in the Partly Free countries such as Kenya, Russia andMalaysia.[</p>
[<p style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·                     互联网自由比印刷媒体自由度更大:除了英国之外,被研究的每个国家,互联网自由均超过他们在“自由之家”的“出版自由”研究(主要检测广播和印刷媒体)显示的自由度。这些差别在“部分自由”国家,例如肯尼亚、俄国和马来西亚特别显着。[</p>
[<p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
·         Civic Activism Increases: Citizensare resisting government control by blogging, using code for sensitivekeywords and organizing protests and advocacy groups through socialnetworks like Facebook.[</p>
[<p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;">
公民活动家的增长:公民们正在通过博客反抗政府控制互联网,使用代码代替敏感关键词,并通过象 Facebook的社区网络,组织抗议和辩护团体。[</p>
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Key Country Findings[</p>
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·         Cubais one of the world's most repressive environments for internetfreedom, despite a slight relaxation of restrictions on computer andmobile phone sales in 2008. There is almost no access to internetapplications other than e-mail and surveillance is extensive. Cuba isone of the few countries with laws and regulations explicitlyrestricting and outlawing certain online activities. [</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
·         China ishome to the largest population of users, but its rulers employ theworld's most sophisticated, multi-layered, and wide-ranging apparatusfor repressing internet freedom. It has the most cyber dissidentsbehind bars, at least 49 as of mid-2008. In addition, cyber dissidentsare sentenced to longer prison terms than elsewhere, and extra-legalforms of harassment and violence are on the rise. Authorities andprivate providers employ hundreds of thousands to monitor, censor, andmanipulate online content.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
·         Iran usesa complex system of nationwide content filtering, intimidation,detention and torture of bloggers, and restriction of broadband accessto subvert freedom of expression online. Authorities detained andquestioned more than a dozen bloggers in 2008 and a bill enabling thedeath penalty for online activities passed its first reading inparliament.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
·         Russia doesnot engage in significant technical blocking or filtering, butauthorities are increasingly removing content through behind-the-scenespressure. Internet freedom is threatened by a rise in attacks andcriminal cases targeting bloggers, while the government manipulatesonline discussion by funding its own propaganda websites.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
·         Egypt doesnot engage in widespread censorship of the internet and the governmenthas actively encouraged access to technology. But security services andtheir allies are known to monitor users and use low-tech methods ofcontrol such as intimidation, detention, imprisonment, and torture tosilence online activists. [</p>
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[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
·         South Africahas a high level of digital media freedom, but a majority of citizensare unable to access the internet because of high costs and languagebarriers. Political content is not censored and bloggers are notprosecuted for online activities. Unlike other countries in the study,South Africa has more people accessing the internet on their mobilephones than from computers.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
·         The United Kingdom hasone of the world's freest environments. But there are growing concernsabout the widespread retention of user data by service providers andthe permissive environment for "libel tourism" (in which the UK allowsindividuals, often from authoritarian countries, to sue authors whosework is available in the UK, including online versions). The proceduresused by the private Internet Watch Foundation to remove harmfulinternet content lack transparency and the appeals process could beimproved. [</p>
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FreedomHouse, an independent nongovernmental organization that supports theexpansion of freedom in the world, has been monitoring political rightsand civil liberties worldwide since 1972.[</p>
[<p style="text-indent: 36pt;">
“自由之家”是一个自1972年始在全世界监督政治权利和公民自由,支持在全世界拓展自由的独立、非政府组织。 [</p>
自由至关重要。自由之家与众不同。(Freedom matters. Freedom House makes a difference


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