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发表于 4-6-2009 05:45:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Tutu urges Zimbabwe intervention


Archbishop Tutu believes the world should intervene in Zimbabwe's crisis

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has urged the international community to intervene in Zimbabwe - by force if necessary. The former Cape Town archbishop said he would support the deployment of a UN force to restore peace in the country.

He said African Union leaders should refuse to recognise Robert Mugabe as the legitimate president of Zimbabwe. It is thought Mr Mugabe will be sworn in for another term on Sunday, although final results from the one-candidate election have been delayed. The opposition boycotted the vote amid claims of violence and intimidation.

'Powerful signal' Mr Mugabe was said to have won by a wide margin, but international observers have reported many spoilt ballots, which in some areas could outnumber votes cast. Earlier, officials said the count was complete, but later reports said results from rural areas were still trickling in.

In an interview for the BBC's Andrew Marr programme, Archbishop Tutu said the African Union could have a clear role in persuading Mr Mugabe to negotiate. "If you were to have a unanimous voice, saying quite clearly to Mr Mugabe... you are illegitimate and we will not recognise your administration in any shape or form - I think that would be a very, very powerful signal and would really strengthen the hand of the international community."

"I think that a very good argument can be made for having an international force to restore peace," he added. African Union (AU) foreign ministers have gathered in the Egyptian town of Sharm el-Sheikh, before a full meeting of heads of state on Monday which Mr Mugabe is expected to attend.
Earlier the Kenyan Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula said sanctions against Zimbabwe are unlikely to work, and that Mr Mugabe and the opposition should instead be encouraged to talk.

最后由 曹达义 于 2008-06-29 15:39:04编辑

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