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Jerry Seinfeld and Japanese Cricket Cages

发表于 12-24-2012 11:49:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jona Weiner, Jerry Seinfeld Intends to Die Standing Up. New York Times Magazine, Dec 23, 2012.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/2 ... ie-standing-up.html
("For Seinfeld, whose worth Forbes estimated in 2010 to be $800 million, his touring regimen is a function not of financial necessity but rather of borderline monomania — a creative itch he can’t scratch.  'I like money,' he says, 'but it’s never been about the money.'  Seinfeld will nurse a single joke for years, amending, abridging and reworking it incrementally, to get the thing just so. 'It’s similar to calligraphy or samurai,” he says. “I want to make cricket cages. You know those Japanese cricket cages? Tiny, with the doors? That’s it for me: solitude and precision, refining a tiny thing for the sake of it.' When he can’t tinker, he grows anxious")

(a) The title is a pun. He is a stand-up comic. See Stand-up comedy
(b) There is no need to read the rest, besides the quotation.
(i) Japanese Woodblock, Two Women with Cricket Cage
http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Ja ... sters_i6186515_.htm
(ii) Why? Cultural Entomology. The Metropolitn Field Guide, June 17, 2010.
(Photo caption: "'Cricket Cage Peddler'  Japanese woodblock print by: Kiyonaga, Ca. 1700)

* TORII Kiyonaga 鳥居 清長 (1752-1815)

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