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Credit Scores in Dating Scenes

发表于 12-26-2012 10:44:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Stephanie Strom, Perfect 10? Never Mind That. Ask Her for Her Credit Score. New York Times, Dec 26, 2012 (front page).
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/2 ... r-credit-score.html


"The credit score, once a little-known metric derived from a complex formula that incorporates outstanding debt and payment histories, * * * has also become a bigger factor in dating decisions

"A middling credit score can also torpedo an application for an apartment and drive up the cost of cellphone plans and auto insurance. And while eight states, including California, Illinois and Maryland, have passed laws limiting employers ability to use credit checks when assessing job candidates, 13 percent of employers surveyed by the Society of Human Resource Management in July performed credit checks on all job applicants.

(a) The Italian surname Italian La Bèlla/Labèlla is from Italian words "La Bèlla, literally ‘the beautiful (female)."
(i) The "bella" in Italian can be a noun ("belle" or "beauty" in English) or an adjective (beautiful in English).
(ii) In Spanish, "bella" is an adjective only (not a noun, that is), meaning "beautiful."
(b) FICO
(A pioneer credit score company, FICO was founded in 1956 as Fair, Isaac and Company by engineer Bill Fair and mathematician Earl Isaac; now headquartered at Minneapolis)

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