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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Dec 24, 2012 (two-week combined issue)

发表于 12-28-2012 09:07:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Dexter Roberts, Henry Meyer and Dorothee Tschampa, When It Doesn't Have to Be There Overnight.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... -china-europe-trade


"Trucking or carrying goods by train [from Chongqing] to the ports of Shanghai or Shenzhen’s Yantian [深圳市 盐田区] and then shipping them to Western Europe can take 40 days.

"Shipping one container by train costs about $10,000, one-third the price of air transit, Prophet says. Although the train is about twice the cost of shipping by sea, it takes only 21 days for products from a factory in Chongqing to reach Western Europe by rail.

Note: The summary underneath the title in print: Companies deep in China lean on railroads to ship to Europe

(2) In print, the following graghic is atop the above text.

The New Silk Road.

(a) Manzouli  内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市 满洲里市
("In 1901, the China Far East Railway was completed in accordance with the Sino-Russian Secret Treaty of 1896, linking Siberia, Manchuria, and the Russian Far East. A settlement then formed around Manchzhuriya Station, the first stop within Manchuria for Russians. It was the beginning of the modern city of Manzhouli and the name of Manzhouli came from Russian Manchzhuriya (Маньчжурия i.e. Manchuria)")
(i) Chinese Eastern Railway  东清铁路
(acronym: CER; also known as the Chinese Far East Railway; linking Chita with Vladivostok)

* South Manchuria Railway (Japanese: 南満洲鉄道 Minami Manshū Tetsudō, or 満鉄 Mantetsu; Chinese: 南满铁路)
(ii) Li–Lobanov Treaty
(or the Sino-Russian Secret Treaty 中俄密约; 1896; a defensive alliance against Japan)
(iii) Triple Intervention
(Japanese: 三国干渉 Sangoku Kanshō; a diplomatic intervention by Russia, Germany, and France on April 23, 1895 over the terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki [signed Apr 17, 1895])

(b) Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai
(located at the confluence of the Chita [City of Cita was named after the river] and Ingoda Rivers and on the Trans-Siberian Railway)
(c) Dostyk
(a small town in Kazakhstan's Almaty Province, on the border with Xinjiang; serves as an important link in the Eurasian Land Bridge [欧亚大陆桥; sometimes called the New Silk Road])


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 楼主| 发表于 12-28-2012 09:07:26 | 只看该作者
(3) Ryan Flinn and Ashlee Vance, The Big Fight Over Tiny Gene Sequences. (title in print)
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... ks-a-security-fight

(a) The summary underneath the title in print: A possible BGI-Complete Genomics deal has raised security questions.

* BGI 华大基因 was known as the Beijing Genomics Institute prior to 2008.
(b) Complete Genomics Analysis Platform
("There are two primary components of our sequencing technology: DNA nanoball arrays, or DNB™ arrays, and combinatorial Probe-Anchor Ligation reads, or cPAL™, reads")

* Based in Mountain View, California.

(4) Drake Bennett and Jim Aley, What It Takes for an Idea to Change Everything. (title in print)
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... took-over-the-world
(barcode inventor N Joseph Woodland died in Dec 9, 2012)

(a) The summary underneath the title in print: A combination of three conditions led to adoption of the bar code
(b) Drexel University
(private; "founded in 1891 as the Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry by Philadelphia financier and philanthropist Anthony J Drexel * * * Drexel became the Drexel Institute of Technology in 1936, and in 1970 Drexel Institute of Technology gained university status, becoming Drexel University")

Note: The German surname Drexel is variant spelling of Drechsel.
The German surnames Dreschsel and Dressler both are "occupational name from Old High German drasil ‘turner.’"

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 楼主| 发表于 12-28-2012 09:07:50 | 只看该作者
(5) Zijing Wu, The People's Republic of Plastic. (title in print)
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... tough-chinese-rival

The summary underneath the title in print: Dominant at home, UnionPay is expanding overseas

(6) Lauren Hilgers, The Jim Cramer of China. An economy like a rocket demands a pundit who shoots flame. Hu Bin is a personality t his peak.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... jim-cramer-of-china
("Hu Bin 胡 斌 writes under the name Yerongtian 叶荣添 —a character from a real estate-themed Hong Kong soap opera"

(a) No summary in print.
(i) 《創世紀》由羅嘉良飾演的葉榮添
(ii) 創世紀 (電視劇)
(香港無綫電視翡翠台; 1999-2000)
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