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Hitachi the Company Survives by Cut, Cut, Cut

发表于 1-2-2013 16:44:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Hiroko Tabuchi, 日立公司的复兴,日立市的陨落. 纽约时报中文网, Jan 1, 2013.

, which is translated from

Hiroko Tabuchi, Revival of Hitachi the Company Is a Detriment to Hitachi the City. New York Ties, Dec 29, 2012
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/2 ... ity-of-hitachi.html
("Since its 787 billion yen, or $9.2 billion, loss in 2009 [the biggest annual loss on record by a Japanese manufacturer], Hitachi has staged an impressive turnaround, booking a record 347 billion yen ($4 billion) in net profit in the year through March 2012, while rivals like Sony, Sharp and Panasonic continue to struggle")

(a) Now based in Tokyo, Hitachi, Ltd 株式会社日立製作所 was founded in 1910 by electrical engineer Namihei ODAIRA  
(小平 浪平, 1874 – 1951)

* The "hi" and "tachi" are both Japanese pronunciations for nouns 日 and 立ち (whose verb form for is 立つ: stand (vi)).

* Taira 平 is the surname of a famous clan a millennium ago, which lost to another clan surnamed Fujiwara 藤原.
* nami 波(P); 浪; 濤 【なみ】 (n): "wave" (where "P" stands for principal; of course this is Japanese pronunciation--浪's Chinese pronunciation is "ro," as in "ronin" 浪人)
* The "hei" is the Chinese pronunciation of kanji 平.

(b) Said company was founded in
Hitachi, Ibaraki 茨城県 日立市
, which got its start thanks to copper and iron sulphide 硫化鉄 mines there, according to ja.wikipedia.org.

* The 日立 in 日立市 is pronounced the same as--and derived from by changing the kanji for the same sound--province name

常陸国  Hitachi-no-kuni

* translation: the area of 常陸国 roughly corresponded to the present-day 茨城県.
* 国 (whose Japanese pronunciation is "kuni") is translated as "province"--an administrative division before Meiji Restoration.
* The "no" in Hitachi-no-kuni is の.  

(c) A photo cation of the report says, "Hiroaki NAKANISHI, Hitachi's president and chief executive."
中西 宏明/ 社長
(d) The report said, "The city lost all its movie theaters. Its drinking district, Saiwaicho — which translates to happy town — was largely deserted one recent weeknight."

* Saiwaicho  幸町
* saiwai 幸い 【さいわい】 (b): "happiness; blessedness; luck; fortune; felicity  <あなたがここに居たのは幸いでした。 You were fortunate to be here.>"


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