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RJ Reynolds

发表于 1-5-2013 13:58:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Barton Swaim, The Man Who Built the Modern South; RJ Reynolds cowed the city of Winston, NC, into putting down rail lines to benefit manufacturers. Wall Street Journal, Jan 5, 2013
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 17831801499760.html
(book review on Michele Gillespie, Katharine and RJ Reynolds; Partners of fortune in the making of the New South. University of Georgia Press, 2012)

Quote: "For decades, Dixie has attracted large companies by offering multi-million-dollar 'incentive' packages to private enterprise. Yet Southern states still sit at or near the bottom of every relevant economic gauge. Why? Because corporate welfare doesn't fall from the sky—it comes from taxpayers. This, on the evidence of Ms. Gillespie's book, is one of the great man's [Reynolds'] unintended legacies.

(i) The Scpttish and Irish surname Gillespie is from Gaelic Mac Gille Easbuig (Scottish), Mac Giolla Easpaig (Irish), meaning son of ‘servant of the bishop.’
(ii) The English surname Reynolds means son of Reynold (German roots: ragin ‘counsel’ + wald ‘rule’).

(b) Richard Joshua Reynolds (1850- ) founded R J Reynolds Tobacco Company at Winston-Salem in 1875. His wife was KathArine, not Katherine (as the reviwe says).
(c) Winston-Salem, North Carolina
(the fourth-largest city in the state, about 230 thousand people;
Salem (from the Hebrew word shalom for "peace"); Winston [was named] for a local hero of the Revolutionary War, Joseph Winston; "After a referendum the [two] towns were officially incorporated as 'Winston-Salem' in 1913. The USPS Address Information System (AIS) does not recognize the hyphen")

(d) The review states "the tobacco giant Buck Duke temporarily subsumed his [Reynolds'] company under the American Tobacco Co [founded and owned by Mr Duke]."
(i) James Buchanan Duke
(1856-1925; born near Durham, North Carolina; known by the nickname "Buck;" sectin 2 Business career; "established The Duke Endowment, a $40 million trust fund (about $430 million in 2005 dollars), some of which was to go to Trinity College. The University was renamed Duke University in honor of his father")
(ii) William Kremer, James Buchanan Duke: Father of the Modern Cigarette. BBC, Nov 12, 2012
("But although cigarette smoking in the US quadrupled [thanks to Mr Duke] in the 15 years to 1900, it remained a niche market, with most tobacco being chewed or smoked through pipes and cigars")
(iii) subsume (vt; Latin sub- + sumere to take up)

(i) Wake Forest University
(private; Baptists founded in Wake Forest in 1834; moved to Winston-Salem in 1956)
(ii) Wake Forest, North Carolina
(a town just north of state capital Raleigh; "In 1820, Dr Calvin Jones, originally from New England, bought 615 acres (2.49 km2) of forested land in Wake County, North Carolina. The sparsely populated area became known as the Forest of Wake, or Wake Forest")
(f) Dixie

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