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薄熙来岳母 + 老兵

发表于 1-16-2013 12:39:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 薄熙来岳母给中央写信,求见女婿. VOA Chinese, Jan 16, 2013.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130116/1584789.html

My comment: Before I departed from Taiwan in 1984, I had not see 布礼. I do not know what it means, and I can not find its meaning in the Web.

(2) 钓岛之争若开战 谁再为国去卖命. VOA Chinese, Jan 16, 2013
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130116/1584689.html

Note: A few years ago, I was surprised to learn from New York Times that an American soldier who died in active duty did not recieve much. The deceased does get a government-funded funeral with honor guard, flag and all that, under Section 578 of Public Law 106-65 of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2000.  
(a) James Barron, For Families of Fallen Soldiers, the 2nd Knock Brings $12,000. New York Times, Jan 26, 2005
("death gratuity" began in 1908; "Everyone in the military is now automatically insured for $250,000 through a group life-insurance program that charges modest premiums"/ military now pays up to $6,900 for funeral expenses)

The amount has not been raised since.
(b) Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP); Regular Army: Active Duty; Benefit Fact Sheet. US Army, undated
http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mi ... vivor_Benefit_Plan_(SBP).html?serv=147Survivor
(table: Benefit Plan (SBP) Eligibility; heading: Continuing Eligibility)

But US Army does not pay much. Go to
and select the pull-down menu in the tag "Benefits" at the top horrizontal bar.

(3) 前六四学生告湖南司法厅拒发律师资格证. VOA Chinese, Jan 16, 2013
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130115/1583946.html

(4) 中国国产片票房的危机与转机. VOA Chinese, Jan 16, 2013
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130115/1583938.html
("据中国国家广播电影电视总局的统计,2012年,全国电影票房收入170.7亿元,其中,国产片收入82.7 亿元,进口片收入87.9亿元")

My comment: This report as well as a few English-language reprots published by US media does not say if Chinese movie makers increase or decrease their box-office revenues in 2012, compared from a year or years ago. So there is no way for me to judge if Chinese studios are in financial trouble.

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