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PBS TV Tonight on Drones

发表于 1-23-2013 08:32:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Mike Hale, Questioning Its Marvels and Morals. New York Times, Jan 23, 2013
http://tv.nytimes.com/2013/01/23 ... -drones-on-pbs.html
(television review on Rise of Drone; Meet a new breed of flying robots, from tiny swarming vehicles to giant unmanned planes. Nova, PBS, Jan 23, 2013 at 9 pm)


" the new Argus camera: 1.8 billion pixels, able to show an entire small city while simultaneously zooming in on up to 65 individual spots and picking out objects as small as six inches long.

"Glimpses of the automated future include a look at the X-47B, a full-size, unmanned jet that is already flying and could soon be able to land and take off on aircraft carriers

(a) "Argus camera"
(i) NOT to be confused with
Argus (camera company)
(founded in 1936 in Ann Arbor, Michigan)
(ii) The real deal:
From Video to Knowledge; Livermore’s Persistics data-processing pipeline combines graphics-based computer hardware and clever software to extract meaning from wide-area overhead surveillance video. Science and Technology Review (S&TR), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Apr/May 2011.
(a photo caption at page 8: "The Autonomous Real-Time Ground
Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System (ARGUS-IS) has four stabilized lenses (telescopes), which together use 368 5-million-pixel
cell phone cameras")
(i) Please start with page 8.
(ii) 368 X 5 million =1,840 million or 1.8 billion
(b) For Abe Karem, see Karem Aircraft
(described by The Economist as the man who "created the robotic plane")

Quote: One of "Karem's company, Leading Systems, had since gone bankrupt and been bought up by US defense contractor General Atomics. The CIA secretly bought five drones (now called the 'GNAT') from them. Karem agreed to produce a quiet engine, which until then sounded like 'a lawnmower in the sky.'  The new development became rechristened the 'Predator.'
(c) General Atomics GNAT
(The name 'GNAT' can be thought of as a contraction of GeNeral ATomics)

* But a gnat is a kind of mosquito.


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