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发表于 1-28-2013 11:31:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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(1) 独家访谈:中国的'无声军队.' BBC Chinese, Jan 28, 2013
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... a_silent_army.shtml
(an interview with Mr Araújo on his book: Juan Pablo Cardenal and Heriberto Araújo, China's Silent Army; The pioneers, traders, fixers and workers who are remaking teh world in Beijing's image. Penguin, 2013)

(i) Mr Araújo arrived at Beijing in 2007--first working for AFP and then as a freelance reporter.
(ii) For Heriberto, see Herbert (name)
(Herbert or Heribert (Aribert, Italian: Ariberto) is a Germanic given name, from hari "host" and beraht "bright")

Please recall that in Spanish, the letter "h" is silent.

(a) Jamil Anderlini, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Agenda? A study of China’s conduct abroad is marred by an undercurrent of xenophobia. Financial Times, Jan 19, 2013
http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/4 ... d-00144feab49a.html(book review on the same book)

Quote: "the grandson of a Chinese emigrant to South Africa [said to book authors]: 'When I look in the mirror I see a Chinese face. However, we were born in South Africa and we have been here all our lives. I go to China once a year to buy goods, but I’m not used to the way of life in China. It’s not home to me.'

(i) fifth column
(section 1 Origin)
(ii) There is no need to register in order to read the book review. But the next one does require it.

(b) Mark Elvin, Letter to editor: China’s Subtle Censoring of Overseas Scholarship. Financial Times, Jan 26, 2013
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a8ea50 ... b-00144feab49a.html
("Much earlier, in collaboration with Caroline Blunden, I had co-authored a Cultural Atlas of China (1983) that showed, largely indirectly but occasionally explicitly, by a chronological sequence of maps based on a range of reputable sources both western and Chinese, that, whenever able to do so, the rulers of what in due course became 'China' had, for more than three millennia, pursued what can only be called an expansionist policy, albeit with widely varying degrees of success. * * * I became aware a good number of years later at a closed conference at the ANU, when talking with a Chinese participant widely believed to be a member of the Chinese intelligence establishment, just how fiercely the message of the book was resented")

(a) The end of the letter is signed by "Mark Elvin, Emeritus Professor, Australian National University."
(b) Australian National University
(public; located in Canberra; Established 1946)


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