
楼主 |
发表于 11-30-2008 11:51:02
Re: 站点介绍和目标
Thank you very much.
Q: 怎么处理和yjrg的关系?对yjrg的现状有什么借鉴?关于数据倒入,可以学几大站的blog转移来个一键转移数据至yilu
A: we share core codes with yjrg.net, and will cooperate in many areas, to decrease our costs.
we will not put much effort on blog now...for we have few programmers.
can not develop like commercial sites.
yjrg.net is not our rival, for we mainly serve people abroad, yjrg.net is opposite.
Q: 这些东西现在外面都已经小有气候了,如何竞争?
A: i know it's hard. however, because of the success story of ytht, we actually are more talent and experienced than other Chinese websites abroad, exp. mitbbs. we will focus on bbs first, for about 2-3 years. if we succeed in bbs(for exp, >5000 onlines) at that time, we will try to earn money by running special websites based on yilubbs.
The most difficult time is the beginning. it's very hard to accumulate active users because of Matthew Effect.
【 在 xueshao 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 bridged (断桥) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 大家现在上网一般只看短文章,我就写三段话:
: : 1.为什么要开这个站:我想恢复糊涂时期的规模,所以弄了点代码和数据来开站。但是原糊涂的用户数据(包括信件、个人文集、俱乐部版面和隐藏版面等)没有得到授权,所以请想要的人去ytht.net索要。给不给就不是我能保证的了,因为不在我手里。本站不是糊涂,只是后续站
: (以下引言省略...)
※ 来源:.一路BBS http://yilubbs.com [FROM:]
※ 修改:.bridged 于 Nov 30 14:51:23 修改本文.[FROM:]