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Reporting in Xinjiang

发表于 7-6-2009 21:46:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

[<h2>[<a target=_blank href="http://www.danwei.org/newspapers/xinjiang_newspapers.php">Reporting in Xinjiang[</a>[</h2>[<div class=ByLine>
Posted by Joel Martinsen, July 7, 2009 10:38 AM[</div>[<div class=EntryText>
[<div class=imgleft>[<a target=_blank href="http://www.danwei.org/2009/07/07/JDM090707xjpapers.png" target="_blank">[<img src="http://www.danwei.org/2009/07/07/JDM090707xjpapers.png" border="0" onload="con_resize(this);">[</a>
[<div style="display: none;">外部图片: http://www.danwei.org/2009/07/07/JDM090707xjpapers.png
Telecommunications service has been disrupted following the riots in Urumqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, including both phone and Internet service.
As a result, the websites of local newspapers such as the Xinjiang Daily ([<a target=_blank href="http://www.xjdaily.com/">新疆日报[</a>), Xinjiang Metropolis Daily ([<a target=_blank href="http://epaper.xjts.cn/">新疆都市报[</a>), Xinjiang Legal Daily ([<a target=_blank href="http://www.xjfzb.com/xjfzbindex.asp">新疆法制报[</a>), and the Morning Post ([<a target=_blank href="http://epaper.168cb.com/">新疆都市消费晨报[</a>) are all unreachable from Beijing, as are news portals iYaxin ([<a target=_blank href="http://www.iyaxin.com/">亚心网[</a>) and Tianshan ([<a target=_blank href="http://www.tianshannet.com/">新疆新闻总汇[</a>).
The papers are apparently still publishing, despite being inaccessible to much of the country. In its three-page spread on the riots, The Beijing News [<a target=_blank href="http://epaper.thebeijingnews.com/xjb/html/2009-07/07/node_9.htm">reprinted[</a> an article from the Morning Post alongside a selection of Xinhua wire reports and CCTV stills (CCTV's website hosts is own [<a target=_blank href="http://news.cctv.com/special/wlmq/gundong/index.shtml">feature[</a> on the incident).
The Morning Post article is mostly devoted to making the case that overseas organizations took advantage of anger over the Shaoguan, Guangdong riots on June 26 to incite violence in Urumqi. State media had previously blamed the Shaoguan riots on a rumor spread by a former toy factory worker who said that Uighur men had raped two women working in the factory, but according to an account released by police this week, a woman had been sexually assaulted after mistakenly entering the dormitory of Uighur workers, leading to violence and the death of two Uighur workers. (Xinhua has [<a target=_blank href="http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-07/06/content_11663627.htm">much the same story[</a>.)
More news on the riots
· Peter Ford [<a target=_blank href="http://features.csmonitor.com/globalnews/2009/07/06/sources-in-urumqi-theyre-very-hard-to-come-by/">writes[</a> in the Christian Science Monitor about the problems he had reaching people in the region, and his difficulties in getting them to talk about the riots once he had them on the line.
· The New Dominion is publishing [<a target=_blank href="http://www.thenewdominion.net/825/140-dead-828-injured-in-riots/">frequent updates[</a> with the Chinese and international latest news reports, including several [<a target=_blank href="http://www.thenewdominion.net/831/photographs-of-the-urumqi-riots/">photo[</a> [<a target=_blank href="http://www.thenewdominion.net/942/photographs-of-the-urumqi-riots-part-two/">sets[</a>.
· The Economist [<a target=_blank href="http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13979440&amp;fsrc=twitter">reports[</a> from Urumqi:
[<blockquote>The south-eastern part of the city appeared to suffer most violence on Sunday: police were out in force on Monday; broken shop windows dotted the area, along with fire-damaged buildings and scores of burnt and overturned cars. The scorched shells of eleven new cars sat on the lot in front of the Xinjiang Tongtong Geely Automobile dealership.
[</blockquote>· The AP has reported that protests [<a target=_blank href="http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5j794twyjYyjeOIdsKWwzCUhsgvUAD998U9KG0">may have spread[</a> to Kashgar.
· At China Elections and Governance, Evelyn Chan [<a target=_blank href="http://www.chinaelections.net/newsinfo.asp?newsid=20453">discusses the riots[</a> in terms of "horizontal violence."
· Shanghaiist [<a target=_blank href="http://shanghaiist.com/2009/07/07/the_xinjiang_riots_whats_happened_s.php">runs down[</a> some of the theories as to the cause of the riots, from a peaceful protest to a conspiracy engineered to topple the government.
· Josie Liu at China in Transition [<a target=_blank href="http://josieliu.blogspot.com/2009/07/chinese-netizens-tomb-digging-to.html">describes[</a> how BBS users are digging up old threads on Xinjiang and updating them with new information on recent events. Because the headlines concern outdated, non-sensitive information, the discussions avoid the censor's eye.
· Melissa K. Chan of Al Jazeera English is updating her [<a target=_blank href="http://twitter.com/melissakchan">Twitter account[</a> from the ground in Urumqi.
· The New York Times [<a target=_blank href="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/07/world/asia/07beijing.html">examines[</a> how Chinese authorities are managing information about the situation in Xinjiang.
[<blockquote>Arriving reporters were escorted by bus to the hotel downtown, where the media room offered photographers compact discs filled with pictures, videos and television “screen grabs” taken by state news organizations. Reporters were advised to attend a news conference Tuesday morning for an update.
Such services lift a page from the tactics that Western organizations, from the White House to major business groups, employ to get their message to traveling journalists. But at least some of the similarities end there: in Urumqi, journalists were told that they could not conduct interviews on their own, away from government minders. Other details beyond approved news reports were scant.


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