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Video Clips

发表于 7-12-2009 09:19:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Taiwan
标 题: Video Clips
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 11 15:10:59 2009, 美东)

Michael Richardson, Horrifying video shows murders that triggered Han-Uighur
rioting in China leading to martial law. Boston Progressive Examiner, July
10, 2009.
("A horrifying internet video of two Uighar men being savagely beaten to
death before hundreds of witnesses provides the genesis of the 'unrest' in

My comment: The web report carries one video clip (from Sohu.com of China)
at the bottom. However, I also find another clip where Han beat Uighurs to
death at Toy plant in Guangdong.

Chinese men attacked Uyghurs at a toy factory on June 26, 2009. Radio Free
Uyghur Japan.

Both clips were posted to Youtube.com four days ago, on July 7, 2009.

(1) Turkey PM just delivered a speech on Saturday, July 11, which BBC
Chinese just reported under the title 土总理促请中国停止“同化”维族.

No Society Can Reach Stability By Massacring Individuals, Erdogan. Turk,net, July 11, 2009.

My comment: In the meantime, Turkey grants a visa to Rebiya Kadeer.

(2) Tania Branigan, 'I asked them to find my husband, but no one dared to go
outside.' Dong Yuanyuan was a happy newlywed until ethnic hatred spilled
over into bloody street violence in China's far west. She is recovering: her
husband is still missing, Guandian, July 11, 2009.


"Dong Yuanyuan should be on honeymoon, sightseeing in Shanghai with her
husband. But late last Sunday night, their bus stopped when a set of traffic
lights in Urumqi turned red. * * *

"The state news agency, Xinhua, did not say whether any of the deaths
happened last Tuesday, when vengeful Han mobs took to the streets armed with
shovels, iron bars and cleavers and savagely assaulted Uighurs.

"Some Uighurs in the city voiced disbelief at how few alleged deaths they
had suffered. 'That's the Han people's number. We have our own number,'
Akumjia, a Uighur resident, told Reuters. 'Maybe many, many more Uighurs

My comment: In a report titled "China raises Xinjiang death toll, adds
ethnic detail" Reuters on July 11, 2009 states that although the official
Xinhua news agency said 184 people had died in the Urumqi riots, the brief
report did not say whether any of the dead were killed by security forces.

(3) Barbara Demick and David Pierson , China's flood of fortune seekers
unsettles Xinjiang; Opportunities found by one group -- the Han -- and lost
by another -- the Uighurs -- are behind the violence in China's far west.
Los Angeles Times, July 11, 2009.


"Record numbers of migrants have been pouring into Xinjiang, spurred by the
global financial crisis that is closing down export-driven factories in the
east and curtailing new construction in Beijing and Shanghai. The Chinese
government says 1.2 million people migrated here last year. * * * This year
especially, local governments fearing social unrest caused by unemployment
have played a role in organizing trips. The city of Chongqing in central
China announced that it was sending 100,000 people to Xinjiang this year. In
March, one county in Ningxia, in northern China, held a large ceremony for
3,200 peasants who were being sent out.

"'Room service staff needed, 18-40 years old. Junior high school degree
required. Han only,' read an advertisement last week on a bulletin board at
a government-run labor agency in Urumqi.

"Uneducated Uighurs are handicapped by their language, which is closer to
Turkish than Chinese. * * * Bilingual university graduates also find it
difficult to compete with native speakers of Mandarin on tests that require
knowledge of thousands of Chinese characters. Although Uighur students
applying to Chinese universities are admitted with lower test scores, job
applicants don't have such an advantage. And since 2000, most public schools
have shifted the primary language of instruction to Chinese, which has
thrown tens of thousands of Uighur teachers out of work.

"But a leading Uighur intellectual, Ilham Tohti, an economics professor at
the Central Nationalities University in Beijing, has estimated that 1.5
million Uighur workers -- the equivalent of half the adult males -- are

(4) John Pomfret, In China, Following General Tso's Imperial Recipe. July 11
, 2009.


"They [Chinese] compare their treatment of China's minorities such as the
Tibetans or the Uighurs * * * and the white man's handling of Native
Americans. See, I've been told countless times by Chinese friends, it's not
just the white man's burden to bring civilization to the "natives," it's the
yellow man's burden, too.

A Han cabbie in Kashgar "regale[d] me with anecdotes about the wanton
sexuality of Uighur girls. 'But we're civilizing them!' he assured me.

(5) Ellen Bork, The Right Way To Help the Uighurs. Washington Post, July 10,


"Unlike the Tibetans, though, Uighurs do not benefit from a well-defined U.S
. policy supporting their political rights, autonomy and cultural identity.

"In fact, the United States has distinct policies toward all of the major
territorial or ethnic conflicts in China except in Xinjiang, which Uighurs
call East Turkestan. Tibet's importance in American policy began with
support for the Tibetan resistance in the 1950s and '60s and now takes the
form of support for the Dalai Lama and the democratic government in exile as
they seek autonomy under communist rule. The high-level post of special
coordinator for Tibet was created at the State Department a decade ago.
Taiwan has a defense commitment from the United States and unofficial but
substantive relations through a quasi-diplomatic entity, both of which are
underwritten by the Taiwan Relations Act. Hong Kong benefits from U.S. law
setting out support for its autonomy, rule of law and limited democracy, as
well as the considerable interest of the American business community.

(6) Edward Wong, A Family Heeded China's Call to Resettle but Found Only
Grief in a Sttrife, July 9, 2009 (title in the print).
(Their only son killed, The Han parents planned to return home in East China
, permanently)

(7) Accounts of violence in Xinjiang. BBC (English), July 7, 2009.


"Gulmire, a Uighur from Urumqi, writes on behalf of her sister who still
lives in the city.

"When I spoke to my sister on the phone she said that around 10pm the
previous evening there were many students gathered near a park close to
where my sister lives.

"The police were chasing them and when they couldn't escape, they shot at
them. One by one the students fell to the ground. There was a lot of blood.
My sister was upset and was crying. It's a dark day for all Uighurs.


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