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China Boycotts Pres. Ma Ying-jeou

发表于 7-16-2009 11:28:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) 高雄世运会开幕 中国队缺席入场. BBC Chinese, July 16, 2009

(ii) Peter Enav, China boycotts opening of World Games in Taiwan. Associated Press, July 16, 2009.

(iii) 元首宣布開幕 世運會頭一遭. Liberty Times, July 16, 2009

(1) Dreaming S Korea, Taiwan; Thais would love to work in Korea, but prefer Taiwan to seek their fortune. The Nation, July 16, 2009.


“Labour Minister Phaithoon Kaeothong [of Thailand]  said sending Thais to work in South Korea was done by the DOE [short for Department of Employment], which required quality workers who passed Korean language tests. Since fewer Thai workers passed the tests than the quota, only a small number of  applicants could go.
Taiwan on the other hand was not too strict on workers' language skills and, as employment was done by the private sector, the number of Thais allowed to go there was higher, he added.
My comment:
(a) The Nation is a Bangkok-based, English-language daily broadsheet. Founded in 1971. See The Nation (Thailand)
(b) The baht is the currency of Thailand. Today $1 is 34 Thai baths.

(i) Ariana Eunjung Cha, China Unrest Tied To Labor Program; Uighurs Sent to Work in Other Regions. Washington Post, July 15, 2009.

My comment: Uighurs and Hans are no longer brothers. They are complaining loudly about each other. Just the other days, Hans in Shaoguan, Guangdong said they were upset that Uighurs in Early Light toy factory received free room and board which were out of reach of Hans. Uighurs shot back, saying they were forced to work in China proper. The next report independently confirms the sentiments of Uighurs.

(ii) Andrew Jacobs, At a Distant Toy Factory, the Spark for China’s Ethnic Bloodshed. New York Times, July 16, 2009.

(a) gruff (adj): “rough or stern in manner, speech or aspect”
(b) Early Light toy factory 旭日玩具廠


“According to an article in the state-run Xinjiang Daily, ‘70 percent of the laborers had signed up for employment voluntarily.’ The article, published in May, did not explain what measures were used to win over the remaining 30 percent.
“But residents in and around Kashgar say the families of those who refuse to go are threatened with fines that can equal up to six months of a villager’s income. ‘If asked, most people will go, because no one can afford the penalty,’ said a man who gave his name only as Abdul, whose 18-year-old sister is being recruited for work at a factory in Guangzhou but has so far resisted.
Some families are particularly upset that recruitment drives are directed at young unmarried women, saying that the time spent living in a Han city far away from home taints their marriage prospects. Taheer, a 25-year-old bachelor who is seeking a wife, put it bluntly. ‘I would not marry such a girl because there’s a chance she would not come back with her virginity,’ he said.

(3) USA Today, the largest newspaper in America by circulation, has a color representation of interesting statistics. Today it has something to do with China.

“USA Today Snapshot ®
Most executions in the world
In 2008, 95% of the 2,390 known executions in the world were carried out in six countries.

A bar chart shows

China 1.718
Iran 346
Saudi Arabia 102
USA 37
Pakistan 36
Iraq 34

Sources: Amnesty International; Death Penalty Information Center

My comment: Taiwan has executions on the book but has not carried out executions for years, thansk to ex-President Chen Shui-bian.

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