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cause célèbre

发表于 7-20-2009 10:27:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Note: The title is "French, literally, celebrated case."
All English definitions in this posting come from www.m-w.com.

Joshua Kurlantzick, The Crisis WHERE? Why some world trouble spots get all the attention. Boston Globe, July 19, 2009.

In the print,
(a) there are three photographs (the first of which appears online), with combined caption that reads, “NOW ON THE RADAR The tension in China’s Xinjiang province remained obscure until its capital, Urumqi, exploded into violence earlier this month.”
(b) there is, in addition, an excerpt that shows up in a window: “The DalaiLama is extremely media savvy, and has taken the Tibetans’ cause to a wide range of people who might never otherwise have known about it.”

Summary: What Tibet has and Xinjiang does not is: (a) an effective, charismatic leader, (b) a powerful émigré community, and (c) celebrities who champion Tibet cause.

My comment:
(a) Outside Xinjinag, the largest Uighur community is in Kazakhstan where five to eight thousand Uighurs held a rally against China just days ago. Then there is Turkey.
(b) My observation is that Tibetan exiles in Metropolitan Boston are poor: masons and so on. All in all, Tibetan exiles are not as rich and numerous as Israel lobby, not to mention Taiwan lobby.

(1) Andrew Jacobs, Countering Riots, China Rounds Up Hundreds. New Yrk Times, July 20, 2009.

(a) bundle (vt): “to hustle or hurry unceremoniously <bundled the children off to school>”
(b) Xiangyang Po 乌鲁木齐向阳坡

(2) 驻华外国记协:外媒记者遭死亡威胁. VOA Chinese, July 20, 2009.

Note: 驻华外国记者协会 Foreign Correspondents' Club of China

The home page of the web site lists
(i) Open Letter On Reporting Conditions In Xinjiang
(ii) China Should Allow Reporters Free Movement In Xinjiang
(iii) China Must Stop Harassing Reporters In Xinjiang

(3) 威视公司涉嫌行贿在纳米比亚遭调查. BBC Chinese, July 20, 2009.

The report is based on

Sebastien Berger and Malcolm Moore, Hu Jintao's son linked to African corruption probe; The eldest son of the Chinese president Hu Jintao faces questioning in connection with a multi-million pound corruption investigation in Namibia. Daily Telegraph, July 18, 2009.

(4) 四川研究生刘建永逃到美国. VOA Chinese, July 20, 2009.

(5) Taiwan, China to open semi-official tourist liaison offices by year-end. Governments provide no more details.

(6) Ben Tai and Christine Lu, Taiwan aboriginals lament losing identity to modernity. Reuters, July 20, 2009.

(a) Please read the section “Identity and classification”in

Amis 阿美族

to know the meaning of Amis and why they prefer to be addressed as Pangcah.

(b) MaKaPaHay Festival 馬卡巴嗨 文化觀光季, held annually since 1999 (“「馬卡巴嗨」 (Ma Ka Pa Hay)是阿美族的讚美及招呼語,就像夏威夷的「阿囉哈」一樣的熱情與歡迎之意。”)


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