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Adoptees from China

发表于 8-21-2009 10:44:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

领养中国儿童家庭纷纷带子女做寻根之旅. VOA Chinese, Aug. 20, 2009.

(a) 我们的中国女儿基金会 Our Chinese Daughters Foundation
(“founded in 1995 by Dr. Jane Liedtke” and based in Bloomington, Illionois)
(b) Besides USCIS, US State Department also maintains information on international adoption.

My comment:
(a) I can relate to the angst of many Chinese single men as well as their parents, who therefore oppose Chinese women dating and marrying foreigners. If only there were enough Chinese women for the world! Unfortunately, the birth ratio of boys to girls has been 120/100 (for you-know-what reasons). To make matter worse, international adoption siphons off more Chinese girls.

(b) Yearly five to eight thousand Chinese "orphans" were adopted and arrived in US, the majority (91%) of whom are girls (for they are unwanted). See
China Adoption. Undated.
(c) Maybe Chinese men should reflect on--and change--family value in China.

While doing research on adoption, I came upon

News release:  Chinese Orphan Among Newest U.S. Citizens;
Child “Left to Die…Destined to Live” Hits Another Hallmark in His Short Life
US  Citizenship and Immigration Service, Jan. 22, 2007
(A Chinese-born boy named Levi Bentley)

I delved and found two news reports:
(a) John M. Glionna, Two lives emerged from the ashes; Lisa Misraje Bentley was a bored U.S. homemaker when she reluctantly went to China with her family to open an orphanage. A charred baby boy would change everything. Los Angeles Times, Dec. 7, 2009.

Note: When the photograph was taken, Levi Bentley had received numerous operations.

(b) Scott Moyers, Loving Levi. Southeast Missourian, Apr. 9, 2006.

My comment: The report in (a) emphasizes the adoption parents, whereas taht of (b), the adoptee.


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