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发表于 9-20-2009 16:29:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

My comment: It is I who add the exclamation mark in the title of the posting.

中国媒体何时能在国际舞台上拥有竞争力? VOA Chinese, Sept. 20, 2009.

My further comment:
(a) The VOA report cites
林任君, 中国媒体航母即将启航 ——万事俱备只欠东风? 联合早报 (Singapore), Sept. 20, 2009.
(at web page 3: "因此,正如过去传闻已久的中国将建造航空母舰的计划在这一两年逐渐浮出水面、被提到议事日程上来一样,中国媒体的航空母舰也已经在紧锣密鼓、积极筹建中了。综合各方面的消息,这一媒体航母宏图大计一旦实现,中国打造的将不只是一艘或几艘而已,而是至少两个媒体航母群!")

Quite imaginative, I will say. In English, that is "Carrier battle group."

(b) Last night I was reading

James Fallows, Postcards from Tomorrow Square: Reports from China. Knopf, 2009.

He is the China correspondent of the Atlantic Monthly from 2006 on. See
About James Fallows

Mr. Fallows tends to mumble. But he professes in his book that he likes China, comments that Chinese love China overwhelmingly (I wonder if it is because they can only read what government allows them to), but the closer to power cneter, the more ignorant Chinese officials are about the world as well as what the world think about China. He says most of the time, it is China that shoots itself in the foot, givintg the world the false impression about China (oppression, ham-handedness, etc.) while it is not the case inside China.

Well, I do not know. Back in old days of Taiwan, KMT inculcated pupils with Chinese communists excelling in united front 统一战线. I came abroad and have seen failure after failure.

(1) 中国央企去年利润骤降30%. BBC Chinese, Sept. 20, 2009.

My comment: It is odd. A few state-owned enterprises of China do business abroad. This I know. But my impression is most SOEs have monopoly power within China, with oversea markets an afterthought. Therefore, I can not figure out why SOEs had smaller profits last year.

(2) In chronological order:

(a) 200 mainland students to study in Taiwan. Xinhua, Sept. 16, 2009.
("Fujian Education Department will provide each student with 5,000 yuan (732 U.S. dollars) as a living allowance during their stay in Taiwan, and some universities are to provide additional subsidies."

My comment: It was unclear to me if this was something new or old hat. However, $732--whether a year or a month--is too LITTLE.  

(b) 台湾推迟接受大陆学生赴台就读. BBC Chinese, Sept. 20, 2009.

My comment: i simplty do not believe the Legislature or people in Taiwan want this, despite arm-twisting by President Ma Ying-jeou ever since he was inaugurated.

(3) 诺斯, 被中国淘油者遗忘的伊拉克人. BBC Chinese, Sept. 20, 2009.



"中石油的钻井台就在阿尔迈宰村的旁边。具体点说,村民阿布·阿贝德说,钻井台就在他的地里。 * * * 阿贝德说,中国方面说要给他的赔偿,迄今还没有兑现。

Note: The English original is
Andrew North, Left behind by Iraq's oil rush. BBC (English), Sept. 20, 2009.


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