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Moscow Wants to Learn from Beijing

发表于 10-18-2009 17:21:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Clifford J. Levy, In Chinese Communist Party, Russia's Ruler See a Role Model for Governing. New York Times, Oct. 18, 2009.

My comment: The above report is probably inspired by

普京领导的俄罗斯执政党向中共取经. VOA Chinese, Oct. 10, 2009.

Note: 绥芬 being Manchu language for an awl 锥子, 绥芬河 is the name of a river originating in Heilongjiang that empties near Vladivostok 海参崴, Russia, into Sea of Japan. The river is the namesake of a city 绥芬河市 (位于中华人民共和国黑龙江省东南部,是牡丹江市所属的一个县级市).

(1) 热比娅现身法兰克福书展. BBC Chinese, Oct. 18, 2009.

My comment: Very provocative.

(2) 釣島之爭 日媒憂台、中聯手抗日. 中央社, Oct. 18, 2009.
(appearing in Liberty Times, Oct. 19, 2009)

My comment: The report is an abridgment of

山本勲, 東亜春秋: 漁業が日台の“アキレス腱.” 産経新聞, Oct. 18, 2009.

The last sentence of paragraph 1 states, "日台の緊密な関係が漁業紛争で壊されないよう、双方が一段の知恵を絞る必要がある。"  The translation is: Please do not let fishing dispute spoil the close Japan-Taiwan  relationship; both parties need to rack their brains further [to find a solution]." (一段: still more; 絞る: to wring, to press)

(3) 唐在馨, 馬胡心結 不能馬虎. Liberty Times, Oct. 19, 2009.

My comment: Whether there is anything going on between the president and Mayor Jason Hu of City of Taichung, I do not know. But it is undisputed that the mayor is very popular, at least in that city if not in the entire Taiwan. I simply do not understand why.

(4) 王丰, 蔣經國另一個兒子邱明山之謎. 亞洲周刊 (Yazhou Zhoukan), Oct. 25, 2009 (cover date).

My comment: I am sort of in doubt. Can't he be an orphan who the Chiangs took in? Anyway, a DNA test will tell.


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