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China Upset with India and Japan

发表于 10-20-2009 10:07:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

中国抗议达赖喇嘛访问中印有争议的地区. VOA Chinese, Oct. 20, 2009.

My comment: The quotation fits what I have concluded on my own. There is no need to read the rest.

(1) 热比娅再度访日 中国“强烈不满.”VOA Chinese, Oct. 20, 2009.

(2) 中国将克什米尔标示为独立国家. VOA Chinese, Oct. 20, 2009.
("报导说,这份提供给媒体 0Specifically, foreign media in China] 的资料中把西藏描述为与印度,尼泊尔,缅甸以及克什米尔地区接壤。将克什米尔与三个主权国家并列在一起。")

My comment: Unhappy with who,? Japan of course.

(3) 中国十部委出动向产能过剩开战. VOA Chinese, Oct. 20, 2009.


"拿钢铁为例,现在中国的钢铁产量高达7亿吨,几乎占全球产能的一半。由于钢铁需求下滑,中国生产出的钢材大约有1/4找不到出路。尽管如此,泰格黄 [analysis Tiger Huang] 说,宝钢和武钢原来还计划要在广东和广西组件新的大型钢铁企业,产能都在千万吨以上。这些项目已经得到中央的批准。现在由于钢铁市场太不景气,这两大钢铁企业暂时停止了两个项目的运作。

(4) “加拿大要求中国调查贩卖婴儿指控.” BBC Chinese, Oct. 20, 2009.

(5) Steven Erlanger and Jonathan Ansfield, UNEASY ENGAGEMENT [/] Exporting Censorship: At Book Fair, a Subplot About Chinese Rights. New York Times, Oct. 19, 2009 (title as appears in the print)
("a country still deeply uncomfortable with its own discordant voices, yet eager to become more competitive with the West in the realm of ideas")

(a) Liao Yiwu/The Corpse Walker 廖亦武/赶尸者
(b) The adjective "abject" in "an abject apology" is defined as "SERVILE."  Webster (3rd ed. 1961)
(c) The noun "zeit" is German for "time."
(d) Dr. Jing Bartz 王竞博士,工商管理硕士/歌德学院北京分院主任 (Naturally it is a Chinese woman who is married to a guy surnamed Bartz.)
(e) Jiang Rong/Wolf Totem 姜戎/狼图腾
(f) Xu Zechen/Running Through Zhongguancun 徐则臣/跑步中关村

My comment: Three months ago, I chanced upon The Corpse Walker in the Border bookstore. The English translation, by a person with Chinese name, is perfect. A scientist, I simply brought myself to believe that the featured story, also titled The Corpse Walker, has any basis in reality, though ordinary Chinese might easily get hooked. It was about one man, accompanied by another, in early 1950s carried on the back a corpse of a wealthy family who desired to bring the deceased back home to bury--in summer with the corpse having been treated with mercury, leaving unexplained why the two were not poisoned or a horse wagon was not used.


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