BBC Chinese, Nov. 10, 2009.
The only English report so far, which is almost identical to the BBC report, is
Phil Stewart, U.S. missile defense may backfire if too robust: general. Reuters, Nov. 10, 2009.
(1) Amy Butler, U.S. Satellite Coverage Gaps Loom. Aviation Week, Nov. 10, 2009.
(Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton urges US to build redundant satellites "as a buffer from a launch or orbital disaster")
"The general also urges the establishment of a wargaming and modeling and simulation environment for space operators that would be similar to that used by fighter pilots. It would include simulated adversaries and various war scenarios, from an environmental interruption to space services to a full-scale attack on U.S. and allied satellites."
(2) 岛礁之争或将影响日中关系. VOA Chinese, Nov. 9, 2009.
My comment:
(a) 冲鸟岛 (Okinotorishima in English; 沖ノ鳥島 in Japanese)
(b) The BBC report is based on
沖ノ鳥島に港建設 中国へ主権主張 政府が予算化. 産経新聞, Nov. 7, 2009.
(Please take note of an accompanying photograph by clicking the button, which shows five (5) China naval ships maneuvering near Okinotorishima on July 16, 2009.
(c) The importance of Okinotorishima, New York Times two years ago reported, is it lies in the halfway between Guam and Taiwan. US is in favor of Japan's claim because (a) when China invades Taiwan, US will send navy from Guam, among other bases; (b) China wants to intercept the expedition somewhere around Okinotorishima; and (c) the economic exclusive zone (200 nautical miles) of Okinotorishima would prevent China's navy from coming close DURING teh hostility (in peacetime, international law allows harmless passage, although China disagrees when the passage is in its own EEZ).
(3) 俄罗斯坦言警察成黑帮. BBC Chinese, Nov. 10, 2009.
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