About reporter's name, I was wrong. Both reports--(1) and (2)--named "记者: 燕青 | 华盛顿." While the cache in Mirrorbooks.com, as shown in (1), did not name the reporter, that (i.e., cache) of Boxun.com 博讯 does have "记者: 燕青 | 华盛顿."
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) This was the original report.
: 李洁明生前警告美对华政策一言堂局面. VOA Chinese, Nov. 15, 2009.
: http://www.mirrorbooks.com/news/html/63/t-20263.html
: (2) This is the clean-up version.
: 李洁明传奇人生:既反共又坚持与中共对话.
: (以下引言省略...)