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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Mar 11, 2013

发表于 3-12-2013 15:28:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Evan Applegate, Natural Gas Is Cheap; Green Power Isn't.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... ap-green-power-isnt

My comment:
(i) The Northern English surname Applegate is "extremely common variant of Applegarth, in which the less familiar final element has been assimilated to the northern Middle English word gate ‘road’ or to modern English gate."

* gate (n; Middle English, from Old English geat)
(ii) The Northern English and Scottish surname Applegarth is "northern Middle English applegarth ‘apple orchard’ (Old Norse apaldr ‘apple tree’ + gar{dh}r ‘enclosure’)."
(b) kilowatt hour
(The kilowatt hour is most commonly known as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities)

Called 度 in Taiwan.
(c) The article says, "Generating electricity for a home with power created from waves would cost $500 per megawatt hour."  Namely, $5/kWh. I did not know wave generator is so expensive--and merely experimental.


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 楼主| 发表于 3-12-2013 15:28:35 | 只看该作者
(2) Shannon Pettypiece, Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... f-war-over-patients

My comment:
(a) summary underneath the title in print: Across the country, nurse practioners are battling doctors for the power to treat patients
(b) The Spanish surname Blanco is "[Spanish adjective] blanco ‘white.’"
(c) The article is about the profession of nurse practitioner, as well as regulations by disparate states. Read it only if you are interested in the profession.
(d) Massachusetts Law About Nurses. Law Libraries, Massachusetts Trial Courts, undated.
(i) Pertinent to nurse practitioner are Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 112, section 80E, Chapter 176R, and 244 CMR 4 (Massachusetts Regulations Governing the Practice of Nursing in the Expanded Role).
(ii) CMR stands for Code of Massachusetts Regulations, which the executive branch writes after legislative branch enacts a (statet) law.
(iii) 244 CMR 4 means CMR, Chapter 244, section 4.
(iv) Relevant to the BusinessWeek article is

244 CMR 4.22(3): "documentation of [nurse practioner's] review with a supervising physician at least every three months."
(v) In Massachusetts, outside a doctor's physical presence a nurse practioner can do quite a lot of things: treating common cold, prescribe and inject vaccination. They man CVS walk-in clinic.
(vi) In 2010 state Legislature amended state law to add "nurse anesthetist" to several sections of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 94C (Controlled Substances Act):
* section 1 (Definitions)
* section 7(g), which has been amended once since and whose curent version--regarding nurse anesthetist--is as follows: "The commissioner shall promulgate regulations which provide for the registration of nurse anesthetists in an advanced practice nursing role, as defined in section 80B of chapter 112, to issue written prescriptions for patients under section 80H of chapter 112 and under guidelines mutually-developed and agreed upon by the nurse and supervising physician in accordance with said section 80H and regulations approved by the board of registration in nursing and the board of registration in medicine. Prior to promulgating the regulations, the commissioner shall consult with the board of registration in nursing, board of registration in medicine and the board of registration in pharmacy with regard to those schedules of controlled substances for which nurse anesthetists may be registered."
immediate peri-operative period
* section 9 (Administering and dispensing of controlled substances in course of professional practice; records, inspection)
(vii) The same session law (2010 Chapter 191: An Act Relative to Nurse Anesthetists)
http://www.malegislature.gov/Law ... cts/2010/Chapter191

also inserts Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 112, section 80H (Nurse anesthetist; power to issue prescriptions and order tests and therapeutics)  

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 楼主| 发表于 3-12-2013 15:29:23 | 只看该作者
(3) Peter Burrows, How Apple's iWatch Can Be a Moneymaker.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... can-be-a-moneymaker


"Conventional watchmakers seem less interested in developing their own smartwatches. Fossil (FOSL) Chief Executive Officer Kosta Kartsotis said during an earnings call last month that although his company has looked into making smartwatches, it has concluded that the real money still lies in old-school timepieces.

"It’s less clear that Apple can persuade others to share [Apple design chief Jony] Ive’s dream, especially if his watch turns out to be a peripheral that still requires users to whip out their phone to, say, respond to a call or tweet.
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 楼主| 发表于 3-12-2013 15:29:40 | 只看该作者
(4) Cliff Edwards, Innovator Hui Zhang; Hiccup-free streaming video.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... ree-streaming-video

My comment:
(a) In previous issues, the column Innovator showcased scientists whose accomplishments seemed flaky to me. I do not know about Dr Zhang.
(b) Hui ZHANG  张 晖
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