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Military Flavor of X's 'China Dream'

发表于 3-13-2013 11:02:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
There is no need to read the rest of either report/article.

(1) Jeremy Page, Xi's 'China Dream' of Military Power. (front page). Wall Street Journal, Mar 13, 2013.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 48774040546346.html


(a) first five paragraphs:

"Soon after taking over as Communist Party and military chief, Xi Jinping launched a series of speeches referring to "The China Dream."

"It was music to the ears of Col LIU Mingfu 刘 明福 of the People's Liberation Army.

"Three years ago, the former professor at its National Defense University wrote a [2010] book of the same name, arguing that China should aim to surpass the US as the world's top military power and predicting a marathon contest for global dominion. The book flew off the shelves but was pulled over concerns it could damage relations with the US, according to people familiar with its publication.

"The day after Mr Xi's first 'China Dream' speech, however, Col Liu's publisher called to say he had gotten approval to launch a new edition. Now, it is on display in the 'recommended books' section of a state-run bookstore.

"'I don't know if he read the book, but he has sent a strong message,' Col Liu said in an interview at his apartment here, leaping to his feet with excitement to leaf through letters of support. 'He could have grasped the economy, or some social issues, but instead he grasped the military.'

(b) "Some believe Mr. Xi is trying to build support among China's powerful generals as a prelude to launching potentially disruptive economic and other reforms, including moves to curb corruption within the military itself. Others suspect he is trying to distract attention from problems that could derail Chinese growth, especially official corruption and abuse of power, an issue highlighted by the Bo Xilai scandal last year.

(2) John C Wohlstetter, Chinese 'Hackers' Is a Misnomer. They're Spies. The US is under cyberattack from a hostile regime. Forceful American digital counterattacks are in order. WSJ, Mar 13, 2013 (op-ed).

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