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Russia Denies China's Official Report on Weapon Sales

发表于 3-25-2013 16:01:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-26-2013 07:36 编辑

Latest first.

(1) Wendell Minnick, Russia: No Deal on Sale of Fighters, Subs to China. Defense News, Mar 25, 20123 (12: 41 PM EDT; 6 hours ago).
http://www.defensenews.com/artic ... Fighters-Subs-China

My comment: I went to ITAR-TASS's English-language website just now but could not find a pertinent report. HOWEVER, I did find this:

News Summary for March 23, 24. ITAR-TASS, Mar 25, 2013 ("09:07 25/03/2013")

full text (three paragraphs):

"MOSCOW – Russia’s Armed Forces laid the groundwork for up-to-date arms supplies for 10-15 years from now, chief of Russia’s General Staff Valery Gerasimov said.

"The chief of Russia’s General Staff took part in Saturday’s meeting between Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“'Today we’ve laid the groundwork for such arms supplies as the S-400 air defence systems, the Borei submarine and the Su-35 fighters for 10-15 years from now. The plants, which produce this hardware, are engaged with orders by 100 percent,' Gerasimov said.

(2) 中俄签署巨额军售合同购战机潜艇. BBC Chinese, Mar 25, 2013
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... ssia_military.shtml
("中国官方媒体星期一(3月25日)报道,中国与俄罗斯签署协议,将购买24架俄罗斯苏-35战机和四艘拉达 [Lada] 级AIP潜艇。中央电视台报道称,有关协议在习近平访问俄罗斯前签署 * * * 中国方面没有披露这两笔合同的价值")

(3) China’s New Leader Visits Moscow. ITAR-Tass, Mar 25, 2013 (Russian Press Review)
("In an interview with the Nezavisimaya Gazeta, leading research scientist of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Larin, [re]marked that “Russia and China are concerned about US plans to change the strategic balance in the world by speeding up work on the missile defense system both in the European direction and on the Pacific Ocean. This is reflected in a joint declaration,' he said. 'China is also more toughly defending now its interests in territorial disputes with Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam. Nevertheless, it is difficult to imagine that military efforts of the People’s Republic of China and Russia would be aimed against third countries. There will be no military alliance between Russia and China – either formal or informal. Neither Moscow nor Beijing need this,' Larin said")

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