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发表于 4-10-2013 12:50:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 4-10-2013 15:04 编辑

Keith Bradsher, 从'中国制造'到'柬埔寨制造.' 纽约时报中文网, Apr 10, 2013

, which is translated from

Keith Bradsher, Hello Cambodia; Wary of events in China, foreign investors head to the south. New York Times, Apr 9, 2013.
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/0 ... ad-to-cambodia.html


"Only a smattering of companies, mostly in low-tech sectors like garment and shoe manufacturing, are seeking to leave China entirely. Many more companies are building new factories in Southeast Asia to supplement operations in China.

"Production has been crippled in recent weeks at numerous Taiwanese-owned garment factories in eastern Cambodia producing simple garments like bathing suits after Japanese factories moved in to make more sophisticated products like business suits and gloves — and offered higher pay and benefits.

My comment:
(a) As for the ENGLISH version, the report in the nytimes.com website HAS multimedia graphics and photos that the English version in the cn.nytimes.com does NOT have.
(b) Minebea: 略称はNMB(Nippon Miniature Bearing); 直径22mm以下の小径・ミニチュアサイズのボールベアリングでは、シェア世界一である。

translation: Minebea caomes from MINIAture [ball] BEAring; company's share is largest in the world in bearings of diameter 22mm and below.
(c) Denso
(a global automotive components manufacturer headquartered in the city of Kariya, Aichi
(i) automotive component  自動車 部品
(ii) buhin 部品 【ぶひん】 (n): "parts"
(iii) densōhin 電装品 【でんそうひん】 (n): "electrical component"
(iv) 電装

translation: All sorts of electric and electronic machines that furnish am automobile. Alternator, volt regulator, lead battery, starter motor, ignitor for gas(oline) engine, fuel injector, car air conditioner, and cooler compressor, car audio (system), car navi(gational system, such as GPS), engine control unit etc. Accompanying the strengthening of car emission regulation, equipment for a diesel engine is increasing.

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