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Robert Bork's Memoir

发表于 4-11-2013 15:29:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Steven G Calabresi, At the Center of the Storm; In his memoir of working for Nixon, Robert Bork reveals why he fired Archibald Cox—and how he then kept the investigation going. Wall Street Journal, Apr 10, 2013
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 04841120970654.html
(book review on Robert H Bork, Saving Justice; Watergate, the Saturday Night Massacre, and other adventures of a Solicitor General. Encounter, 2013)

(a) For the origin of first and last names of Spiro Agnew, see   
(section 1 Early life)

(b) The revew states, "Agnew agreed to a plea bargain and resigned from office on Oct 10, 1973, paving the way for Rep. Gerald R. Ford to become vice president and removing Nixon's 'impeachment insurance,' since the only person Nixon's enemies hated even more than Nixon was Agnew. The drama was hardly over. Within 10 days, Bork had become the acting attorney general of the United States."
(i) The first sentence means that if Nixon's enemy might have been hesitant to impeach and remove President Nixon--thus elevating Vice President Agnew (who they hated even more) to presidency, they (enemy) no longer were concerned (about the prospct of removing Nixon) once Agnew resigned.
(ii) "Within 10 days." That is because Mr Agnew resigned on Oct 10, 1973, followed by Saturday Night Massacre of Oct 20, 1973.
(c) The Polish surname Jaworski means "someone from any of numerous places named Jawory or Jaworze, named with Polish jawor ‘maple’, ‘sycamore.’"  Divtionary of American Family Names, by Oxford University Press.

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