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发表于 4-12-2013 11:20:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Huihu Wong, Mazu Mania: Free Food, Great Parties. Wait, This Is a Religious Festival?  It's the most popular 300-kilometer, nine-day hike in the world -- now this is how to celebrate a birthday, CNN, Apr 12, 2013.
http://travel.cnn.com/taiwan-maz ... l-pilgrimage-226351

My comment:
(a) Mazu March Mania  三月瘋媽祖
(i) 媽祖 is spelled Matsu in Taiwan; Mazu is pinyin)
(ii) NCAA has March Madness (for college basketball, men and women).
(iii) Naturally the march in "March Mania" is different from the march in "March Madness": the former means a walk whereas the latter, name of a month.
(b) The report states, "The city is the start and end point of the festival's highlight -- the Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage, which begins from Jenn Lann Temple."
(i) 大甲鎮瀾宮
(ii) is located at 台中市大甲區, which until the end of 2010 was 臺中縣 大甲鎮 (when the Ma administration merged old 臺中縣 and 台中市 to create a new 台中市).
(iii) 大甲歷史
(大甲地區是平埔族道卡斯族的主要活動範圍; 大甲之名則是道卡斯族(又稱斗葛族)的閩南語音轉)
(c) Mazu patrolling  媽祖遶境
(d) "Beigang's Chaotian Temple"  北港朝天宫
, located at 雲林縣 北港鎮.
(ancient 笨港 was divided into 北笨港(今北港)and 南笨港 (presently 嘉義縣 新港鄉)
(e) A graphic shows itinerary of patrolling:
(i) Day 1 Nanyao Temple, Changhua City  彰化市-南瑤宮
(ii) Day 2 Fushing Temple, Siluo Township, Yunlin County  雲林縣 西螺鎮 福興宮
(iii) Days 3 Fengtien Temple, Singang Township, Chiayi County  嘉義縣 新港鄉 奉天宮
(iv) Day 6 Chengan Temple, Beidou Township, Changhua County  彰化縣 北斗鎮 奠安宮
(v) Day 7 Tienhou Temple, Changhua City  彰化市 天后宮
(vi) Day 8 Chaohsing Temple, Singshuei Township, Taichung County
臺中縣 清水鎮 朝興宮 (since the end of 2011: 臺中市 清水區)

(f) I was born and raised in City of Kaohsiung. So I did not see it  (while in Taiwan) in person or in television.

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