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Upfront About Her Bisexuality

发表于 4-28-2013 14:57:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Wilson Diehl, Yes, I Really Am Bisexual. Deal With It. I wasn't looking to chronicle my romantic escapades. I was clarifying my identity. New York Times, Apr 28, 2013 (in the column Modern Love).
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/2 ... l-deal-with-it.html

(a) Excerpt in the window of print: First date: Reveal introverted bookishness. Second date: Pet heavily. Third date: Announce bisexuality.

(b) three consecutive paragraphs:

"Protective friends counseled me not to mention my orientation until later in the wooing process. “Why scare people off?” they would say. “Not everyone’s as comfortable with the whole ‘bi’ thing as you.”

"They suggested it might be better to let people fall for me before I came clean, so when I did, my love interest would already be too smitten to dump me (the same advice, I imagined, given to registered sex offenders and convicts on parole).

"But waiting until someone likes me before I share potentially hard-to-swallow aspects of myself has never been my style.

(c) My comment:
(i) Despite the name, Wilson Diehl is a woman.
(ii) Bisexuality is not rare. But what is interesting is her determination to declare in the early stage. See quotation above.
(iii) What is unusual is her future husband's response, as described in the first two paragraphs:

"When I told Jared I’m bisexual, he couldn’t, or at least didn’t, hide his discomfort.

"'Why do you have to announce it like that, like it’s still relevant?' he asked, his eyes darting around the restaurant as if he were on the lookout for gun-toting bigots or maybe a pack of lesbians (in sensible shoes) poised to drag me off and feed me herbal tea. 'When we get married and have kids, it won’t matter who we dated before we met.'
(iv) There is no need to read the rest.

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