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White Men's Fantasy About Asian Women--A PBS Documentary Tonight

发表于 5-6-2013 09:53:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Mike Hale, Foreign Bride as a Fetish and a Person. New York Times, Nay 6, 2013 (television review).
http://tv.nytimes.com/2013/05/06 ... et-order-bride.html

Note: The English surname Hale is "for someone who lived in a nook or hollow, from Old English and Middle English hale, dative of h(e)alh ‘nook,' ‘hollow.’"
(b) Seeking Asian Female

Please click that tag "The Film" in the top horizontal bar to read more about characters.
(i) It is a 2013 film.
(ii) Steven Bolstad is the bridegroom, though the accounts in New York Times, PBS, Seekingasianfemale.com refers to him by first name only.

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