Ralph Blumenthal, 美国将七万年前恐龙化石归还蒙古. 纽约时报中文网, May 9, 2013
, which is translated from
Ralph Blumenthal, Dinosaur Skeleton to Be Returned to Mongolia. New York Times, May 6, 2013
(US Department of Homeland Security "seized last year from a confessed looter and commercial paleontologist, Eric Prokopi of Gainesville, Fla., who had smuggled in the bones and sold the reassembled creature at auction for just over $1 million. The sale was later canceled")
(a) Tyrannosaurus is the genus name.
(b) The "bataar" is a Mongolian noun for "hero."
(c) United States Customs Service
(was [no longer is] an agency of the US federal government; With the passage of the Homeland Security Act [of 2002], the US Customs Service passed from under jurisdiction of the Treasury Department to the Department of Homeland Security) |