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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, June 3, 2013

发表于 6-3-2013 14:37:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Sarah A Topol, Protest Broke Out in Western Saraha.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... ara-tensions-simmer

(a) Summary underneath the title in print: Morocco pours billions into the resource-rich territory.
(b) Western Sahara
(a colony of Spain 1884-1975; After an agreement among the European colonial powers at the Berlin Conference in 1884 on the division of spheres of influence in Africa, Spain seized control of The Western Sahara; In 1975, Spain relinquished the administrative control of the territory to a joint administration by Morocco (which had formally claimed the territory since 1957) and Mauritania)
(c) Western Saraha; Advisory Opinion of Oct 16, 1975. International Court of Justice.
http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/in ... 1&k=69&p3=5
(at the time of Spanish colonization, Western Sahara had ties with Morocco and Mauritania, which had not risen to sovereignty over Western Saraha; Western Sahara entitled to self determination)

Summary underneath the title in print:
Summary underneath the title in print:

(2) Bruce Einhorn, China's Last Great Tech Takeover Target.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... ech-takeover-target
("Of all the acquisition targets in China, UCWeb is 'probably the last one that’s worth anything,' says Michael Clendenin, managing director of RedTech Advisors in Shanghai")

(a) Summary underneath the title in print: UCWeb's fast-growing mobile browser has 400 million users
(b) "YU Yongfu, UCWeb's chief executive"
俞 永福/ UC浏览器官网 or UC优视

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 楼主| 发表于 6-3-2013 14:37:41 | 只看该作者
(3) Erin Zlomek (compiler), Commencement 2013; Advice from the corner office.

Duncan Niederauer, NYSE Euronext CEO
Colgate University, May 19[:]

"Every boss you have is a role model. * * * So please don't think if you end up with a bad boss in one of your early jobs, you can't learn something. Yo can learn a lot even if it's about what not to be."

My comment: There is no need to read the rest, about advice given by other CEOs.
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 楼主| 发表于 6-3-2013 14:37:47 | 只看该作者
(4) Nick Leiber, Tsumani Barrier (in the column Innovation).
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... ohann-van-den-noort

Note: Van den Noort Innovations BV

In this home page, click "Inventions" at the top horizontal bar.
(a) Twin-Wing Tsumani Barrier; Developed in the Dutch water tradition. Undated.
(section 5.1 Barrier Walls; section 5.2 Foundation)

Two steel barriers are on top of foundation which consists of cement reinforced by steel columns. Between the two barriers are boulders which serve as ballast, to weigh down the whole thing lest tsunamis rip it off. 
(b) SCFB Technical Documentation. Undated.
(at pages 8-9: section 1.8 Principle of operation; section 1.9 Technical description: The standard SCFB consists of a prefab steel or concrete basin and a polyester floating flood wall)
(i) Self Closing Flood Barrier and its acronym SCFB are both trade marks of Mr Johann van den Hoort.
(ii) The last sentence of the Business report is as follows "Another of Van den Noort's inventions, a self-closing flood barrier, is installed in hundreds of buildings, including the National archives in Washington." It refers to SCFB.   
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