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发表于 6-17-2013 07:25:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Simon Romero, 阿根廷丢了牛肉王国的桂冠. 纽约时报中文网, June 17, 2013

, which is translated from

Simon Romero, Argentina, Once Known as the King of Beef, Falls From Its Throne. New York Times, June 14, 2013.


"the nation recently fell from its perch as the world’s top per capita consumer of beef, a title Argentine ranchers are fighting to regain from their tiny neighbor, Uruguay. In another jolt, a study warned that pizzerias could soon outnumber steakhouses in this city. As if that were not enough to rattle the national psyche, Argentina slipped into 11th place, behind countries like New Zealand and Mexico, in the global ranking of beef exporters this year * * * 'Now our smaller neighbors, Paraguay and Uruguay, have passed us” in the export rankings.'

"Argentines ate about 129 pounds of beef a person last year, far surpassing Americans, who mustered a mere 57.5 pounds by comparison. But Argentina’s current level is a pale shadow of its peak: 222 pounds of beef for every man, woman and child, achieved in 1956.

(a) "Cafes in this city bulge with diners feasting on steaks washed down with glasses of malbec."

(b) "At Buenos Aires Verde, a vegetarian restaurant with a pastel orange and lime green color scheme, diners can choose from options like patties made from yamani rice and adzuki beans, or cannelloni made with dehydrated fruit and flax seeds."
(A) Yamani rice is brown rice. Other than that, I do not know.
(B) For adzuki bean, see azuki bean
(section 1 History)

The "azuki" is Japanese word, which somehow became "adjuzi" in English. It is called 紅豆 in Taiwan.

(C) cannelloni

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