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Wikipedia Founder

发表于 6-30-2013 15:15:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Amy Chozick, Jimmy Wales Is Not an Internet Billionaire; He just plays one in real life. New York Times Magazine, June 30, 2013.
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/3 ... et-billionaire.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

"Wikipedia, which is now available in 285 languages, gets more than 20 billion page views and roughly 516 million unique visitors a month. It is the fifth-most-visited Web site in the world behind Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook; and ahead of Amazon, Apple and eBay. Were Wikipedia to accept banner and video ads, it could, by most estimates, be worth as much as $5 billion. But that kind of commercial sellout would probably cause the members of the community, who are not paid for their contributions, to revolt. 'The paradox,' says Michael J Wolf, managing director at Activate, a technology-consulting firm in New York and a member of the Yahoo! board, 'is that what makes Wikipedia so valuable for users is what gets in its way of becoming a valuable, for-profit enterprise.'

"Wales suffers from the same paradox. Being the most famous traveling spokesman for Internet freedom brings in a decent living, but it’s not Silicon Valley money. It’s barely London money. Wales’s total net worth, by most estimates, is just above $1 million, including stock from his for-profit company Wikia, a wiki-hosting service. His income is a topic of constant fascination. Type “'immy Wales' into Google and 'net worth”'is the first pre-emptive search to pop up. 'Everyone makes fun of Jimmy for leaving the money on the table,' says Sue Gardner, the executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that runs Wikipedia.

(a) This is the cover story, where the cover states, "Jimmy Wales Used to Be The World's Poorest Internet Mogul."
(b) leave (something) on the table: "v. phr. to refrain from taking the utmost advantage of something; to not address every aspect of a situation; in the form leave money on the table, to negotiate a deal that is less financially beneficial than is expected or possible."
Double-Tongued Dictionary
(c) There is no need to read the rest.

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