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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 22, 2013

发表于 7-25-2013 15:59:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Christina Larson, East Finally Meets West in the Book World.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... tion-in-translation
(“In 2012, American publishers purchased translation rights for just 453 foreign titles, about 3 percent of the total books published in the U.S. Of those, just 16 were books first published in Chinese, according to records kept by Chad Post, publisher of New York-based Open Letter Books press. (The percentages for translated books in the U.K. are similar, according to Open Letter.)”)

(a) summary underneath the title in print: American and British publishers try to sell Chinese fictions
(b) “Recently Amazon.com launched AmazonCrossing, which sells e-books in translation; in March it published its first book translated from Chinese, Xu Lei’s thriller Search for the Buried Bomber.”
(i) Xu Lei (author)/ Gabriel Ascher (Translator), Search for the Buried Bomber. Mar 19, 2013.
http://www.amazon.com/Search-Bur ... pects/dp/1611097940
(ii) 徐磊 (pen name 南派三叔), 大漠苍狼. 文化艺术出版社, 2010.

(c) "Northern Girls, a fictionalized account of migrant factory workers’ lives by SHENG Keyi"
(i) Sheng Keyi, Northern Girls; Life goes on. e-Penguin, 2012.
(ii) 盛可以, 北妹. 长江文艺出版社, 2004.

(d) "China Book Business Report, a trade paper owned by the China Publishing Group"
China Book Business Report  中国图书商报
China Publishing Group Corp  中国出版集团公司
(e) "Huaxi Metropolitan Daily in Chengdu"  华西都市报
(f) Pathlight  路灯


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 楼主| 发表于 7-25-2013 15:59:51 | 只看该作者
(2) Yoshiaki Nohara and Andy Sharp, Japan's Elderly Go on a Petty Crime Spree.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... a-petty-crime-spree

(a) summary underneath the title in print: For many, benefits aren't enough, families are gone, and hunger hurts
(b) quotation underneath the title in print: 'It wasn’t great to get caught, but I just didn’t give a damn'
(c) Fumio KAGEYAMA "spent four decades as a construction worker on projects including the Takashimaya department store in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district and a bicycle racing track in Maebashi, Gunma prefecture."  
(i) 景山 文雄 is my guess.
(ii) Takashimaya Co, Ltd 株式会社髙島屋: a large Japanese department store chain; Founded in 1829 in Kyoto by IIDA Shinkichi  飯田 新七  

name changed to 高島屋呉服店 in 1919 (the first time 高島屋 was used)
(iii) Maebashi, Gunma  群馬県 前橋市
(capital city of Gunma Prefecture)

(d) "Koichi Haji, executive research fellow at the NLI Research Institute in Tokyo, an affiliate of Nippon Life Insurance, Japan’s biggest life insurer"
(I) Kōichi HAJI  櫨 浩一
* haji 《櫨》 【はじ】 (n): "wax tree (species of sumac, Rhus succedanea)"
(ii) NLI Research Institute  ニッセイ基礎研究所
(iii) Nippon Life Insurance Company  日本生命保険相互会社(NIhon SEImei Hoken Sōgo-gaisha; also known as ニッセイ Nissei)

(e) National Police Agency  警察庁
(f) "Yuji Ozaki, a security officer at Zenkoku Security Guard in Tokyo"
(i) Yūji OZAKI 尾崎 祐士

* I could not find his name until I found the Japanese version of the Bloomberg report (Which identified Fumio Kageyama as “F-K”), from which the Business article is abbreviated. Afterwards, my job gets easier.

Yoshiaki Nohara and アンディ・シャープ, 日本で急増する寂しい高齢者の万引-安倍政権は生活保護削減. ブルームバーグ, July 16, 2013.
(ii) Zenkoku Security Guard Co, Ltd  全国警備保障株式会社

(i) "Yusuke ISHIKAWA, a special assistant to the director of the supervision division at the Ministry of Justice”
法務省保護局観察課の石川 祐介
(ii) National Institute of Population and Social Security Research  
国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 (under 厚生労働省; established in 1939)
(iii) “Koh Fukui, an executive officer at the National Shoplifting Prevention Organization”

Kō FUKUI  万引犯罪防止機構の 福井 昻 理事・事務局長

* manbiki 万引【まんびき】 (n): "shoplifting; shoplifter"
(iv) “Tatsuya OTA, a law professor who specializes in criminal justice at Keio University”
慶應義塾大学法学部 太田 達也 教授
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